This refers and exports directly to the HADDMS continuous shapefile field SUPP_REF in all shapefiles. In Sections, Laterals and Surface Items it is concatenated from the upstream node and the PLR Suffix at all times by the software as described in the previous section. Maximum 52 characters (50 characters for the Upstream Node ID plus 2 for the PLR Suffix).
This refers and exports directly to the continuous HADDMS shapefile field PIPE_REFER (or ASSET_REF in nodes) and is the ID of the object continuous item on the HADDMS database. The field in WinCan VX is read-only because of the round-tripping principles. It does not matter what you decide to change the Supplier’s Reference to during your processing work, but if the DDMS Reference exists already on the system, then it must remain as it is. You will notice that when you create a new ‘uncharted’ asset that this field is blank and remains read-only, and also for the two nodes that are connected to the object. This is how HADDMS identifies uncharted assets, because the incoming data on upload has a SUPP_REF field value but it does not have an PIPE_REFER (or ASSET_REF) value, and as a result HADMMS automatically creates the PIPE_REFER (or ASSET_REF) on upload.
Total Length [m]
This is the full length of the continuous item from end to end along its geometric shape in metres and translates directly with the continuous shapefile field LENGTH.
Town or Village
Is a free-text field where you can add information that will refer to the LOC_TOWN field in the shapefilescontinuous shapefile. Maximum 50 characters.
Is a free-text field where you can add information that will refer to the LOC_ST field in the shapefilescontinuous shapefile. Maximum 50 characters.
This data field defines where the asset is located. Translates to the HADDMS continuous shapefile field LOC_TYP_CO.
Note |
Warning - care should be taken by operators here because it is common to make mistakes like assigning the value ‘Left Verge’ to a pipe where it actually crosses the carriageway. The common mistake that people make here is that they think of where they are standing and the location of the manhole that they are inspecting from and enter this data but in reality, this field refers to the location of the pipe and not the manhole. |
This is the SUPP_REF of the upstream node and copies to the HADDMS point shapefile field SUPP_REFUP in the continuous shapefileREFUP. Maximum 50 characters.
Is read only because it is the HADDMS reference of the upstream node and is defined in the node data. Refers to the field ASSET_REF in the point shapefile.
Is the Node Type (ITEM_TY_CO) of the upstream asset in the point shapefile.
Upstream Pipe Depth [m]
Is the depth of the pipe from the cover level at the upstream end. Advice – this is often incorrectly measured on site as the depth of the manhole. This is a pipe inspection, not a node inspection where the depth of the pipe and the depth of the node are two very different things, particularly where the chamber is a catchpit or a backdrop exists (always take the depth of the top rodding eye of the backdrop, not the lower exit point). Unit of measurement is metres, as defined in the caption. Translates to the continuous shapefile field UPSTR_DEPT.
This is the height above sea level for the pipe at the upstream end and copies to the HADDMS continuous field UPSTR_INVE. This is not something that the CCTV operator usually needs to worry about and for this reason, the field is hidden from view when the user is logged into WinCan VX as an Operator and is only visible to users logged in to the application as Admin.
Similar to Upstream Node, but for the downstream end. Relates to HADDMS continuous field SUPP_REFDN.
Downstream DDMS Node
Similar to Upstream DDMS Node, but for the downstream endrefers to the field ASSET_REF in the point shapefile.
Downstream Node Type
Similar to Upstream Node Type, but for the downstream endrefers to (ITEM_TY_CO) of the upstream asset in the point shapefile.
Downstream Pipe Depth [m]
Similar to Upstream Pipe Depth [m], but for the downstream end. Relates to HADDMS continuous field DNSTR_DEPT.
Downstream Pipe Invert Level [m]
Similar to Upstream Pipe Depth [m], but for the downstream end. Relates to HADDMS continuous field DNSTR_INVE.
Connectivity Certainty
This field has a simple Yes/No pick list option and is mandatory because it is a critical error on upload to the HADDMS database if it does not have a value. Relates the the continuous shapefile field CERT_CONN. The field is used to describe if the connectivity between the upstream and downstream nodes in this continuous item can be confirmed.
Flow Direction Certainty
This field has a simple Yes/No pick list option and is mandatory because it is a critical error on upload to the HADDMS database if it does not have a value. Relates the the continuous shapefile field FLOW_DIR. The field is used to describe if the flow direction between the upstream and downstream nodes in this continuous item can be confirmed. This may sound easy, but becomes more difficult in situations like where there is a culvert under the road with no visible flow, so how can you tell which is the upstream end and the downstream end of the asset. There are times when this needs to be confirmed by the office processing and cannot be deduced on site.
Asset Ownership
Maps to the continuous shapefile field OWNER and under most circumstances will be ‘Highway Authority’ but there may be special cases where this is not the case.
The use of the pipe which maps to the continuous shapefile field SYSTEM_TYP. WinCan VX places a default value of ‘Surface Water’ into this field for all newly created assets because it is rare for HADDMS inspections to be of foul sewers, but not impossible. Where trunk roads go through cities or built up areas, there can be foul sewers that run under the road and need to be inspected even though they are the responsibility of the water company.
Type of Asset
This is a mandatory field, again because HADDMS throws a critical error if it is not filled in. There are a number of validation rules in WinCan VX that refer to the logical use of this field. Example include if the ‘Type of Asset’ is ‘Pipework’ then the material is unlikely to be ‘Gabions’. Maps to the continuous shapefile field ITEM_TY_CO.
Again, a simple Yes/No option pick list, maps to the continuous shapefile field POROUS. Refers to whether or not the pipe material is porous. This can be extremely hard to assess during CCTV inspection and should not be confused with ‘Perforated’.
Another simple Yes/No option pick list, maps to the continuous shapefile field PERFORATED. This should be entered as ‘Yes’ if you can clearly see perforation holes in the pipe. If they are there, then they are usually evenly spaced and all around the pipe, and their purpose is to allow the water to drain away to the surrounding ground when it rains. This is an easy field for CCTV operators to complete.
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