The software for the easy assessment of pipe inspection data on mobile workstations
User Manual
Version 2.1
Date 09.08.2022
Hitting the blue button Create is going to generate the corresponding project structure in the background and switches to the Project Start Screen which is shown below. Hitting the button Project data entry then opens the interface for section and inspection data entry:
Entering section and inspection data
First select the object category SECTIONS and create a new section pushing the green button Add New on the left part of the interface:
Use the pen icon (1) to edit or correct existing data. Hitting the corresponding trash icon (2) on the other hand is going to delete sections, inspections or observations:
Entering observations and defects
The observation entry interface shows the main chapters of the observation catalogue (1). You can manually navigate through the catalogue or use the search field (2) and enter the OP-Code or the beginning of the observation text: this will help you finding the desired observation more quickly:
When you enter a new observation afterwards, all open continuous defects will be listed inside a separate field below the observation catalogue. Simply highlight the desired continuous defect, complete the observation picking the list item Finish (2) and finally confirm the observation entry (3):
Control of text display
Observation entry based on a LiveVideo signal allows the user to control the text display if the corresponding text generator of the camera equipment is supported by ProTouch. Click on the main button OSD, then select the command button OSD-Panel to get the most important text display control buttons shown below the video screen:
You may also change the media filenames hitting the pencil icon or delete a media file via the trash symbol.
All projects you created on your mobile computer are saved per default into the folder C:\WinCan_Projects:
Enter a part of a project name into the search field and run the search process via the magnifier icon.
Update project list: invalid entries to deleted projects will be removed and the project list thus cleaned up.
Create a new project
Open an existing project from the list
Add a project to list, that you have previously copied into the folder C:\WinCan_Projects. Therefore you always must browse for the project database in the project sub-folder \DB an (e.g. Test_ProTouch_EN.db3).
Copy a project to a removable drive
Rename the selected project
Delete the project from the list
Managing addresses of project participants (
The addresses of all project participants (clients, managers and contractors) will be saved in the address database C:\WinCan_Projects\Meta.db3 and are automatically available for all future projects on the current computer.