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rootWinCan VX DDMS GDMS User Guide

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It is normal in HADDMS projects to combine CCTV inspection data with GIS data into the required deliverable standards. Historically, this has often been done by entering into joint ventures between drainage contractors and GIS specialists, with the drainage contractor taking the lead.


The deviation of the coordinates measured for an asset can be anything between a few mm to many metres. Again, this is normal and there are a number of reasons why there can be such large or small differences including local site conditions.


Preparing the Data

The tool in WinCan VX for importing GIS data into an existing project can accept data in the following formats, in order of preference and ease of use:



Advice - If you have followed this guide thoroughly, then you will be aware that good inspection data validation as described in Data Validation is essential for good data delivery, and if you have reached the point where you are ready to import GIS data, then hopefully your CCTV inspection data is in a good shape first.

However, importing this data can (and often does) introduce a whole new range of errors, so it is a good idea to check the data for logic errors before import and to keep on validating the VX data throughout all stages of data processing, especially after importing external data.

As just an example of this - when looking at some recent data where the WinCan VX data was well validated with little or no errors, we saw that after import of GIS data, there were many data errors. On closer inspection of the imported data which had been supplied by a partner contractor to the CCTV contractor, the errors became clear. Although it is not difficult to fix the errors in WinCan VX using tools such as the filters and the Search & Replace tool, it was easier in the end to roll back the project database, fix the source data and then re-import it again without the errors.


Adding Photos

In WinCan VX v10.0 and higher, a new feature has been added that automatically imports photos into the WinCan VX project while importing the GIS data. This is most useful for creating reports for point, region and surface continuous items, and these photos are usually taken by the GIS team at the point of inspection.


From here, you can print node cards very easily and the node photos can be printed in the same way that you do for pipe inspections.


Running the Import

The first thing to remember before running this import GIS tool into an existing project is that it will modify the data, so your project database will not look the same after running the tool as it did before. As has been mentioned already, it is not uncommon to introduce errors into the project during this process.


To start the process, click on the ‘Import from GIS’ button in the ‘Data Exchange’ ribbon to launch the data transfer tool, and then select ‘Expert Mode’ from the ‘File’ menu in the pop-up window:


Launching the 'Import from GIS' tool.

This hidden menu option opens the possibility see the option to import GIS data into an existing project which you can select from the drop down list here:


Remember, during this import, a database backup has been created as described previously, so if you are not happy with the results, you can roll back.


Rolling Back the Database

There are a number of processes within WinCan VX where a backup copy is made against a date and time stamp of the current project database before the action is executed. This is done at points during different functions where the software is modifying the data automatically, and there is a chance that the user may not like the results. These include:


To roll back the project to a previous state, simply take the relevant backup databases, copy them and paste them into [Project Folder] → DB. You may choose to overwrite the current database files or take your own backup again of these but this must be done manually and there is no automated tool right now for doing this in WinCan VX.


Resizing Photos

In-pipe inspection photos taken inside pipe inspections have their file size specified by the video quality setting applied in the User Settings on the PC, but even when these settings are set to their highest values, the picture file sizes are not particularly large.


This tool is available for all WinCan VX projects, not just HADDMS, but it is particularly useful for HADDMS work because of the often large number of files that need to be added to the project.


Options to Improve the Data for Import

As described in Understanding Object Types, a solid understanding of WinCan VX object types as well as HADDMS object types is essential to creating good data in the WinCan arena. Fortunately, there are only 3 WinCan continuous types and 3 WinCan node types.


With these values (SEC, LAT, SUR, NOD, CON, REG), you can follow the process described above and create additional columns in your import data to again greatly improve the quality of the results in the WinCan world, but it cannot be stressed strongly enough that you must be considerate when deciding which value to assign to which object and you must only use the text strings exactly as they are listed above.


WinCan VX v11 Update

From WinCan VX v11 onwards, there are a number of improvements in the GIS file mapping editor:
