3D-Measurement of the Pipe Geometry with Geo-Sensors
Version: 1.3.8
3D-Measurement of the Pipe Geometry with Geo-Sensors
Version: 1.3.8
Table of Contents |
It is crucial for a reliable calculation of the 3D pipeline network, that you have entered valid data into all the corresponding altitude/depth fields of the section and node category:
Pipe depth in the upstream manhole (from cover to pipe bottom) (SECTION.OBJ_FromNodeDepth)
Pipe bottom altitude (above sea level) in the upstream manhole (SECTION.OBJ_FromNodeInvert)
Pipe depth in the downstream manhole (from cover to pipe bottom) (SECTION.OBJ_ToNodeDepth)
Pipe bottom altitude (above sea level) in the downstream manhole (SECTION.OBJ_ToNodeInvert)
Manhole cover altitude above sea level (Z-Coordinate) (NODE.OBJ_Shape_WKT_Z)
Depth of the upstream/downstream manhole (from cover to bottom) (NODE.OBJ_DepthToInvert)
Bottom altitude above sea level of the upstream/downstream manhole (NODE.OBJ_NodeInvert)
The sketch below illustrates the meaning of these fields:
Green = values to be provided by engineers/water authorities
Brown = values to be measured by the operator or provided by engineers/water authorities
Blue = values to be measured by the operator
Red = values calculated by WinCanVX hitting the button Tools > Calculate Invert Levels
Running 3D measurement for main pipes
To start the measurement, create a new project and a first section. Make sure you enter valid data into the corresponding section and inspection fields which must be provided by the official country standards (e.g. WRC, PACP, WSA, NZPIM)fields which must be provided by the official country standards (e.g. WRC, PACP, WSA, NZPIM). Especially mind the altitude/depth fields which are highlighted below:
Switch to the node category and enter valid data into the corresponding manhole fields. Especially mind the altitude/depth fields which are highlighted below:
Switch to the node category and enter valid data into the corresponding manhole fields. Especially mind the altitude/depth fields which are highlighted below:
You may run the tool WinCan Validator now to check whether the database fields needed for proper 3D measurement have got valid data. Otherwise, the 3D measurement wizard will ask you accordingly.
Measurement in forward or backward direction
After the camera crawler has reached the end of the pipeline, you may run an additional measurement in backward direction. This one finishes automatically as soon as the camera has reached the position of 0 m. A message finally asks the user, whether the geometry of the pipe course should be based on the backward measurement or not:
Click on No if you want to keep the measurement in forward direction.
During the inspection of the current section WinCan Map automatically draws the pipe course based on the geo-coordinates the sensor is constantly sending to the computer. Keep the Map window open to follow the real time movement of the camera on the map. For that purpose the map/plot must be available in the DXF format:
Drive backward with the camera as soon as you have entered the end of the section and finished the video recording. Especially focus on the positions of any laterals that may be available.
When reaching a position of a lateral a warning message is going to inform the user accordingly:
Confirm this message and create a new lateral at the current position (1) double clicking on the grey bullet within the SAT column (2):
The dialogue that follows shows all existing but non-linked laterals and allows you to create also new laterals:
Fill out at least the fields for the new lateral as listed below and save the new record:
Section name (Asset ID, PLR-Suffix)
Upstream manhole
Downstream manhole
Pipe shape
Pipe diameter
Inspection direction
Check the distance counter for the satellite camera and set it to 0 m if necessary.
Prior to the 3D measurement you will first have to adjust the view direction of the satellite camera to the main pipe axis. The camera head must not be pushed yet into the lateral pipe.
Move to the position where the lateral is connected to the main pipe and set the view direction of the camera (1) as illustrated below:
Run the 3D-measurement (2) before you push the camera head into the lateral pipe (3).
1.) Click on the recording button (1).
2.) Run the 3D-measurement hitting the 3D-button (2).
3.) Enter the start observation, push the camera through the pipe and continue with the damage survey.
4.) Enter the end observation as soon as the camera has reached the pipe end (4).
5.) Hit the 3D-button (2) again to finish the 3D-measurement.
6.) Drag the satellite camera out of the lateral pipe. A message tells the user when the meter counter has reached the value 0 and the camera head is back at the start position:
7.) Hitting the arrow icon (7) in the symbol bar gets you back to the corresponding main section
You may run the tool WinCan Validator now to check whether the database fields needed for proper 3D measurement have got valid data. Otherwise, the 3D measurement wizard will ask you accordingly.
Switch on the camera and set the main distance counter to 0.00 m. This will launch the 3D-measurement wizard in a separate panel. Follow carefully all the given steps:
1.) Verify the manhole where you inserted the camera and set the measurement direction as illustrated in the wizard panel:
2.) The next step is going to tell you to check any missing or wrong values in the altitude/depth fields, that the WinCan Validator tool has automatically detected.
Note |
Do NOT ignore this message and always hit the OK button to review your data if needed. Otherwise, there’s a big risk to get a completely messed up visualisation of the pipeline network in WinCan 3D! |
3.) The next step asks you to set the start direction of the measurement. Move the pointer via Drag and Drop and follow the red arrow depicted in Map to verify the correct direction in relation to the DXF-plot:
4.) The next step tells you to set camera OFFSET and PRESET:
OFFSET: distance between camera head and the beginning of the pipe
PRESET: distance between camera head and start point of the inspection
5.) Confirm the last step hitting the green START button for 3D measurement. Also make sure the red video recording button is activated.
6.) Enter the START observation, drive the camera through the main pipe and enter any further observations/defects. Besides the video clip recording the software does a stepwise recording of the current camera position (X/Y/Z) from the beginning to the end of the inspection.
7.) Enter the END observation as soon as the camera has reached the pipe end or the goal of the survey and stop the 3D measurement.
Measurement in forward or backward direction
After the camera crawler has reached the end of the pipeline, you may run an additional measurement in backward direction. This one finishes automatically as soon as the camera has reached the position of 0 m. A message finally asks the user, whether the geometry of the pipe course should be based on the backward measurement or not:
Click on No if you want to keep the measurement in forward direction.
During the inspection of the current section WinCan Map automatically draws the pipe course based on the geo-coordinates the sensor is constantly sending to the computer. Keep the Map window open to follow the real time movement of the camera on the map. For that purpose the map/plot must be available in the DXF format:
Drive backward with the camera as soon as you have entered the end of the section and finished the video recording. Especially focus on the positions of any laterals that may be available.
When reaching a position of a lateral a warning message is going to inform the user accordingly:
Running 3D measurement for lateral pipes (satellites)
Confirm this message and get the lateral connections created at the corresponding position hitting the command AutoCreate Laterals (1):
The column Lateral (2) then shows the satellite icons. Double-clicking on the desired icon will switch to the category Laterals and highlight the satellite record you want to inspect:
Continue driving backward inside the main section until you reach the position of the next lateral and repeat the steps 1 to 7.
Continue driving backward inside the main section. A message tells the user when the meter counter has reached the value 0 and the camera crawler is back at the beginning of the main pipe:
Adjusting positions of pipe sections and manholes