3D-Measurement of the Pipe Geometry with Geo-Sensors
Version: 1.3.8
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It is crucial for a reliable calculation of the 3D pipeline network, that you have entered valid data into all the corresponding altitude/depth fields of the section and node category:
Pipe depth in the upstream manhole (from cover to pipe bottom) (SECTION.OBJ_FromNodeDepth)
Pipe bottom altitude (above sea level) in the upstream manhole (SECTION.OBJ_FromNodeInvert)
Pipe depth in the downstream manhole (from cover to pipe bottom) (SECTION.OBJ_ToNodeDepth)
Pipe bottom altitude (above sea level) in the downstream manhole (SECTION.OBJ_ToNodeInvert)
Manhole cover altitude above sea level (Z-Coordinate) (NODE.OBJ_Shape_WKT_Z)
Depth of the upstream/downstream manhole (from cover to bottom) (NODE.OBJ_DepthToInvert)
Bottom altitude above sea level of the upstream/downstream manhole (NODE.OBJ_NodeInvert)
The sketch below illustrates the meaning of these fields:
Green = values to be provided by engineers/water authorities
Brown = values to be measured by the operator or provided by engineers/water authorities
Blue = values to be measured by the operator
Red = values calculated by WinCanVX hitting the button Tools > Calculate Invert Levels
Running 3D measurement for main pipes
3.) Move to the position where the lateral is connected to the main pipe and set the view direction of the camera as illustrated in the wizard panel:
4.) The next step tells you to set camera OFFSET and PRESET:
OFFSET: distance between camera head and the beginning of the lateral pipe
PRESET: distance between camera head and start point of the inspection
5.) Run the 3D-measurement before you push the camera head into the lateral pipe (2).
6.) Enter the START observation, push the camera through the lateral pipe and continue with the damage survey.
A final message informs the user the camera crawler has reached the beginning of the main pipe:
Adjusting positions of pipe sections and manholes
Geometry and length of the section do never change during this process and are always based on the previously done 3D-measurement.
Visualization in WinCan 3D:
Digitized objects like sections or manholes are also displayed at the desired location inside the The module WinCan 3D. Select the command Map>load finally provides you a three-dimensional image of the pipeline network that has been inspected with the 3D GeoSensor. This is especially important to visualize complex pipe courses as they would look like in reality.
Select the command Map > load map to lay the DXF-plot below the pipeline network.
Say Yes when the software asks you whether you want to take the coordinate system directly from the DXF-plot. You can also do this later activating the menu command Map> use MQ translation:
You may edit the pipeline geometry that you obtained via 3D measurement. Activate the button Select (1), highlight the desired section with the right mouse key (2) and call up the context menu command Edit path (3):
The vertical bar (1) to the left of the 3D interface provides a group of edit tools which are activated as soon as you have selected one or several measurement points. Keep the Ctrl-key pressed to select a series of points:
To restore the original measurement values, hit the button Undo (1), select the preferred measurement direction (forward or backward (2)) and confirm with OK (3):
the pipeline network. Even if shown as two-dimensional surface it will help the end user to easily locate the inspected objects:
Data export
The pipeline geometry can also be exported as DXF-file via the command File > DXF export:
Altitude profile (2D)
Select the desired object (i.e. section) and hit the command View > show 2D profile to get a 2D-graphic of the altitude profile (based on the Z-coordinate) of the 3D measurement: