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Are reports where the project is not shared and therefore WILL NOT have “Active links on the report”

To create a Passive report

just create Create and complete your project, then, create the report from theusing;

  1. Project Tab

  2. Reporting

  3. Generate report

  4. Report is create with no active weblink


To create an active report you will need to enable or create a Project link for that specific project prior to creating the report. This, can be either set at a global level for all projects and once set will affect all projects imported or created thereafter, or at a local project lever for each and every project individually .

Create a unlimited project link for all projects.

Prior printing/generating your report you will need to active an shared link.

From the main window select Account setting- Company Profile/, slide edit mode to the right, scroll to the bottom of company profile and tick box “Create project link after uploading”, complete the edit by moving the edit button back to the left.

This is a global setting and only need to be completed once for the entire account.


Create a link per project.

Go to the main project Window,

  1. select the link icon for the specific project,

  2. select new link,

  3. decide on your options