Whats the difference or the advantage between using the ANDROID App WinCan Mobile and manually entering and recording manhole data via the pipe inspection software WinCanVX?
6.) Hit the button Devices>Connect to connect to the QV360 device
7.) Select the manhole and hit the button QV360 to start recording:
Note |
Make sure your the camera stick has been extended to the manhole depth and that the laser dot of the camera points to the center of the manhole bottom. Mind that the camera stick is moved vertically, steadily and slowly from the cover level to the bottom. |
8.) Click on Preview to set the start point of recording; mind the cover ring appears on app. 75% of the image height.
10.) Hit the button Run Inspection, slide down the camera stick and mind the state of the information panel that flashes up on the WinCan Mobile App:
MOVE → movement OK
SLOW → slow down movement
STOP → recording finished → slide up the camera stick
15.) Once finished there will be available 3 different views for each manhole:
360 video view
3D view
Unfolded 2D view of the unfolded manhole wall
Refer to the documentation for more details