Whats the difference or the advantage between using the ANDROID App WinCan Mobile and manually entering and recording manhole data via the pipe inspection software WinCanVX?
The usage of WinCan Mobile always requires a WinCanWeb account with the FLEX mode activated. Once the account data are saved on your mobile device (SmartPhone or tablet computer) you can create a project, enter manhole data, link video clips and photos to each manhole and finally upload it to your workspace on the WinCan CLOUD.
The FLEX mode then allows the user to complete the manhole data and create the reports directly on the CLOUD where the project link is finally sent from to the end customer.
Data recording with built-in camera of SmartPhone or tablet computer
1.) Run the Mobile App, go to Settings, select your country and check your Web account data (i.e. username and password)
Refer to the documentation https://cdlabdev.atlassian.net/l/cp/81YEjemh for more details.
Data recording with QV360 camera from iPEK
It is recommended that this job is done by 2 operators
10.) Hit the button Run Inspection, slide down the camera stick and mind the state of the information panel that flashes up on the WinCan Mobile App:
MOVE → movement OK
SLOW → slow down movement
STOP → recording finished → slide up the camera stick