Manhole Data Entry on Mobile Devices via MobileApp
Table of Contents | ||||||||||||||||||||
Manhole name
Manhole depth (measured from cover to bottom)
Date of inspection
Name of the operator
Cover shape
Cover diameter and width
Manhole entries: type (inlets and outlets) and clock position
Position of the manhole: the coordinates are provided by the GPS receiver of the mobile device (SmartPhone or tablet computer). Move the mobile device (green icon) to the center of the manhole and confirm the current position hitting the button set current as node position: a red icon then shows the manhole position. Finally hit the SAVE button to return to the data entry mask.
4.) Take Manholes without defects: take 3 or 4 photos per manhole:
Photo of the manhole and its surroundings (for easier localization)
Photo of the manhole cover
Photo of the manhole taken from the cover level (0.00 m)
Photo of the manhole bottom
5.) Manholes with defects: take 1 picture per defect
6.) Record one video clip (app. 30 sec) per manhole6.) Upload the project to the WinCan CLOUD
Data transfer
Go to Settings>Login, enter the user credentials for your Web account and save the settings.
Switch to the project list, select the desired project and hit the cloud icon.
Next hit the Push button to have the project uploade to the WinCan CLOUD: a user friendly display is going to inform the user continuously about the upload progress which is particularly important in case of large manhole projects.
Starten Sie Ihren Internetbrowser und melden Sie sich mit Ihrem Web-Konto an.
Kontrollieren Sie, ob alle Schächte und die dazugehörigen Videos und Fotos hochgeladen wurden. Bei grossen Schachtprojekten kann es länger dauern, bis die Videos abrufbar sind.
Die Erstellung der Schachtinspektionsberichte kann direkt in der CLOUD erfolgen. Bevorzugen Sie jedoch eine Protokollierung der Beobachtungen in WinCanVX, können Sie das Projekt auch auf Ihre lokale Festplatter herunterladen, einlesen und bearbeiten.
Refer to the documentation https://cdlabdev.atlassian.net/l/cp/81YEjemh for more details.
10.) Hit the button Run Inspection, slide down the camera stick and mind the state of the information panel that flashes up on the WinCan Mobile App:
MOVE → movement OK
SLOW → slow down movement
STOP → recording finished → slide up the camera stick