12.) The MultiUSB configuration panel opens and allows you to check the device mode (1), the COM-port (2) the input channel for inclination (3) as well as the distance unit (4):
According to the device, that has been connected the user has to select the appropriate mode:
Distance and inclination from MultiUSB: for the iPEK-devices DE03 and DE08
Distance from MultiUSB, inclination from OSD: for the iPEK-devices DE03 and DE08
OSD only (without MultiUSB): for the iPEK-devices DCX and VC200 (VisionControl)
In case the device communication works via a RS232 connection, select the appropriate COM-port.
Verify the signal type for inclination measurement: AD = analogical; CAN = digital
Verify the unit for distance measurement: [feet] for US; [meter] for any other country
13.) In case the device communication works via a MultiUSB connection, run the application C:\Program Files\WinCan v8\WinCan\MultiUSBDiag.exe (Version from 2010 or higher!)to test its functionality: