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3D-Measurement of the Pipe Geometry with Geo-Sensors


Date: 17.08.2023

Table of Contents


A new generation of pipe inspection cameras allow the operator to record the exact position, situation and the course of a pipeline directly during a standard survey: der camera crawler thus drives through the pipe whereas a built-in geo-sensor is recording the current coordinate position of the camera head in predefined short distance steps. The corresponding X-, Y- and Z-values then are sent directly to the computer, processed by WinCanVX and drawn by the VX modules Map und WinCan 3D.


If either the hardware configuration or the the hardware itself is faulty, the measurement wizard will return a corresponding feed-back.


It is crucial for a reliable calculation of the 3D pipeline network, that you have entered valid data into all the corresponding altitude/depth fields of the section and node category:

  • Pipe depth in the upstream manhole (from cover to pipe bottom) (SECTION.OBJ_FromNodeDepth)

  • Pipe bottom altitude (above sea level) in the upstream manhole (SECTION.OBJ_FromNodeInvert)

  • Pipe depth in the downstream manhole (from cover to pipe bottom) (SECTION.OBJ_ToNodeDepth)

  • Pipe bottom altitude (above sea level) in the downstream manhole (SECTION.OBJ_ToNodeInvert)

  • Manhole cover altitude above sea level (Z-Coordinate) (NODE.OBJ_Shape_WKT_Z)

  • Depth of the upstream/downstream manhole (from cover to bottom) (NODE.OBJ_DepthToInvert)

  • Bottom altitude above sea level of the upstream/downstream manhole (NODE.OBJ_NodeInvert)

The sketch below illustrates the meaning of these fields:



Green = values to be provided by engineers/water authorities

Brown = values to be measured by the operator or provided by engineers/water authorities

Blue = values to be measured by the operator

Red = values calculated by WinCanVX hitting the button Tools > Calculate Invert Levels

Running 3D measurement for main pipes


Geometry and length of the section do never change during this process and are always based on the previously done 3D-measurement.


Mind that both tools can only be applied to the currently selected section.

Visualization in WinCan 3D:


Select the command Map > load map to lay the DXF-plot below the pipeline network. Even if shown as two-dimensional surface it will help the end user to easily locate the inspected objects:


Data export

The pipeline geometry can also be exported as DXF-file via the command File > DXF export:


Altitude profile (2D)

Select the desired object (i.e. section) and hit the command View > show 2D profile to get a 2D-graphic of the altitude profile (based on the Z-coordinate):
