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Change Log
This page contains information regarding data entry fixes and updates between WinCan VX release versions. These do not include bug fixes or feature developments, only fixes to captions and list items as required to either remove conflicting information or as a result of updates to the standard.
Connector Node list item changed to Modelling Node in the ‘Asset Style’ drop down list of the node header.
In previous versions, we had the list item ‘Connector Node’ in both the ‘Asset Style’ drop down list and the ‘Node Type’ drop down list. The differences between these are described in the chapter Understanding Object Types, but essentially the first one is a WinCan object type and the second one is a HADDMS object type.
There is no change to any data formats, database keys or validation rules with this edit. The change is cosmetic only and removes the confusion where the list item ‘Connector Node’ could appear in both fields in previous versions.
Highways England list option added to ‘Node Ownership’ and ‘Land Ownership’ field list options.
In line with the recently published latest version of the HADDMS Drainage Data Formats Issue2 file as described on the landing page under the Documentation section at WinCan VX DDMS User Guide, this new list item is added.
The database key behind it for GIS data collection purposes is HE.
Validation rules are updated to accept this value HE.
Instrumented Gully added to the ‘Node Type’ list options.
In line with the recently published latest version of the HADDMS Drainage Data Formats Issue2 file as described on the landing page under the Documentation section at WinCan VX DDMS User Guide, this new point item is added.
The database key for this is IG.
An ‘Instrumented Gully’ is any gully that has instrumentation device(s) in it. Some gullies have devices inside that can monitor the amount of silt and report the data back to the client via the web. This type of gully is an ‘Instrumented Gully’ rather than just a ‘Gully’.
Validation rules are updated to accept this value IG.
Vortex Separator added to the ‘Node Type’ list options.
In line with the recently published latest version of the HADDMS Drainage Data Formats Issue2 file as described on the landing page under the Documentation section at WinCan VX DDMS User Guide, this new point item is added.
The database key for this is VS.
There is still a Yes/No field also for ‘Vortex Separator’, just like there always was. This has not been removed in the new data formats document. The difference now is that a Vortex Separator is now a point item in its own right, but it can also still be a sub-element of a larger point item, so it is still possible to have a manhole with a vortex separator inside it.
Validation rules are updated to accept this value VS.
Highways Agency list option removed from ‘Node Ownership’ and ‘Land Ownership’ field list options.
In line with the recently published latest version of the HADDMS Drainage Data Formats Issue2 file as described on the landing page under the Documentation section at WinCan VX DDMS User Guide, this list item is no longer valid.
Validation rules are modified to reject this value HA.
Node templates are modified to deliver the new value to VX from Map.
All ‘Historical Data’ list options are removed from the ‘Strategic Importance’ list options.
In line with the recently published latest version of the HADDMS Drainage Data Formats Issue2 file as described on the landing page under the Documentation section at WinCan VX DDMS User Guide, these list items are no longer valid.
Validation rules are modified to reject these values A, B, C, Z.
Node part list items extended to use all available parts in WinCan VX.
This makes no difference to the data exchange with the HADDMS shapefiles, because the shapefiles only have data fields for 1 cover, 1 shaft and 1 chamber. This allows users to make detailed manhole cards for client printing and extends the functionality with CleverScan.
New parts added - Frame, Seal, Bearing, Insert, Valve, Trap and Other.
Note - all measurement fields for all node parts are in metres, not mm. This is inline with the existing and published fields for the HADDMS shapefiles for consistency.
Node inspection printing report extended to print multiple node parts of the same part type.
Also extended to print the new node parts described above.
In the Node Header list for ‘Node Type’, each list item has had [point] or [region] added as a suffix.
This helps the user to identify which shapefile the node exchanges with, because all point items and region items from the HADDMS shapefiles are stored in the Node area of WinCan VX.
There are no changes to any underlying data, exchanges or validation rules.
All the region items are at the bottom of the list.
Shapefile data consolidation tools added to WinCan Map.
Described in Consolidation Tools
Node observation code updates:
Observation codes SC, SCA, SCB, SCH, SCK, SCU removed for nodes, leaving only SCC, SCR and SCZ. Shape change codes are compatibility codes only from WinCan v7, but they have some uses, other than where the shape is inappropriate for the asset type.
Quantification updates for node observations:
All deposits codes and water level codes in nodes have had their quantification parameters changed from % to mm, thickness for attached deposits and depth or width for all others. It is not considered appropriate to measure these observations in nodes by the % method.
Inclination chapter added to this manual
Click here to read the new page. Contains information for site operators and for data processors and managers.
WinCan VX v12.1
Node Side View printing option with dimensions:
New printing report added for all UK standards which includes some key dimensions for nodes. Full information is in the new user manual page that has been created here.
WinCan VX v13.0
Duplicate Detection on Import:
When importing more than 1 catchment shapefile into a single project, WinCan VX now checks to see if there are duplicate point item SUPP_REFs in the selected shapefile groups.
If duplicates are detected, the user can export a summary list to Excel and the import will not proceed, or they can opt to let WinCan VX fix the data. The software will add ‘_1’ to the end of one of the SUPP_REFs so that there are no duplicates in the WinCan VX database, and will also modify the shapefiles so that the data that is shared to the GIS team also matches the data in the WinCan VX project.
A full description of this feature is available here.
WinCan VX v15.0
Multipoint Node Geometry:
This is not a DDMD specific change but a global change across all VX territories and standards. It means that we now store points as 2 points and not just 2 anymore, where 1 point is the centre of the cover and the other point is the centre of the chamber base. This opens up some clever editing opportunities in the application, but they must not be used in DDMS projects dues to the DDMS data model not accepting such data.
WinCan VX v15.2
New Edit Ribbon:
There are a number of tools in the VX ribbons that were previously located in the Tools ribbon under the ‘Misc Tools’ button drop down list. All of these tools have now been moved to a wholly new ribbon bar called ‘Edit’. The functions of these tools has not changed.
WinCan VX v16.0
Rotate Node Images to North:
In the Edit ribbon, there is now a ‘Nodes North Up’ button which is toggled either on or off. When it is on, all node 2D sketches are rotated to ‘North Up’ where the North direction is specified in the node inspection data. This also follows through into the printed reports.'