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WinCan WebFlex Quick Start Guide; will guide you through the setup and , configuration and general layout of WinCan WebFlex. This document will also guide you through the creation, publication and sharing of projects that were either, created from scratch within WinCan WebFlex, imported into WinCan WebFlex from WinCan VX or imported from a camera system that has an embedded WinCan Client.


Now that you've logged back into WinCan WebFlex any changes to your account will have taken affect. The most obvious change will be the amount of available space for your projects






Accounts the


“WebFlex” feature

What is the Flex feature

The flex feature gives a user (After the WebFlex featured has been Assigned to them) the ability to create projects from scratch and/or manipulate existing projects that have been uploaded to WebFlex from either WinCan VX or a WinCan Embedded camera systems.


For each user added to WinCan WebFlex the Company Admin can assign those users to different Account groups, a description of those groups are below.


  1. End User, view assigned group/s projects or Group projects on Hosts WinCan web account

  2. End User Download, View & download assigned group/s project or Group projects from Hosts WinCan web account

  3. End User (all projects visible). View all projects within the Hosts WinCan Web Account

  4. VX Operator, Upload projects from WinCan VX to Host WinCan Web

  5. Company Operator, View/Share projects for assigned /Download/Upload projects that have been specifically to them or assigned to their group/s and manage their own account settings

  6. Company Operator (all project visible), View/Share all projects and /Download all projects on the company WinCan Web Account, however they can only upload projects that have been assigned specifically to them! They can also manage their account settings

  7. Company Admin, WinCan WebFlex complete site management

    1. The company Admin is the only account that can Give and Take Flex Mode from any user


  1. The Page Name you added when creating this document

  2. Draw tool selection tab

    This is where you can change background images

  3. Draw Tools Menu tab

  4. Fills and lines colour selection

  5. Section draw

  6. Work Window

Sketch tool

The Draw sketch tool below, allows you to freehand draw on the page you have selected

  1. Select sketch

  2. select your colour from the colour management palette. either by selecting,

    1. The colour selection slider at the top of the window, or, selecting the default colours in the colour swatch boxes at the bottom of the colour management tool

    2. The second line changes the shade of your colour

    3. The third line changes how dark the colour is

    4. The forth line turns you colour from solid to transparent

    5. The colour swatch boxes can be added to, deleted from , reset back to the standard or a selection can be taken from the picture (if you hover over the icons in the lower portion of the colour swatch selection tool you get helpful hints


3 In the main window you can see a finished picture, with a little time and effort you can produce so really effective results!

Above all have a play with draw, create random icons, lines of different colours, attach images, use maps backgrounds and add multiple pages then see how this affects printing

Scoring of Observations

Scoring a project

Your project will have various assets, those asses may have been inspects, and if so, observation may have been made. Some of these observation made may generate a score based on the defect/observation TYPE, LENGTH, SIZE and many other types of criteria, these specific defect codes, will generate a score which will be seen with in the project and project report and set against a scorable code.

(WinCan does not control the scoring. WinCan only applies the scoring template for the regional standard you are coding in to the project and the assets observations, thus obtaining a score for the aforementioned observations)

The below screen shot show a project standard that scores between 1 and 5 for structural and service (this will be different for the different standards)

image-20240222-144258.pngImage Added

If your project has Structural or service code that have not been scored (projects that may have been imported from 3rd party systems) you can re-run the scoring process from the PROJECT TAB, SCORING


Project Report Creation/Generation

Types of Project Reports

When a project has been completed to ”you or your customers” specific requirements a PROJECT REPORT can be created. these project reports can be either active or passive (with or with out weblinks).

Passive Project Reports

Are reports where the project is not shared and therefore WILL NOT have “Active Web links on the report”

To create a Passive report

Create and complete your project, then, create the report using;

  1. Project Tab

  2. Reporting

  3. Generate report

  4. Report is create with no active weblink


Active Project Reports (reports with hyperlinks)

Are Reports that have active hyperlinks within the report that can be either unlimited or limited in duration.

To create an active report, you will need to first enable or create a Project link for that specific project prior to creating the report.

The “project link” can be either;

Set at a global level (across all projects within your company WinCan Web account) and will add an “Unlimited” duration link for all projects created ‘post’ enabling of this option.

Or, created for each individual project as and when you choose to add one. Individual links take precedent over unlimited links and have custom durations from 1 day to whenever you choose to expire that link.

Create a unlimited project link for all projects.

Prior to printing/generating the report for your project, you will need to share the project (reports created before the project is shared will not have active hyperlinks and will need to be regenerated again after the link has been created).

From the main window select Account setting- Company Profile, slide edit mode to the right, scroll to the bottom of company profile and tick box “Create project link after uploading”, complete the edit by moving the edit button back to the left.

This is a global setting and only needs to be completed once for the entire account, however project that have already been uploaded with reports will need that report regenerated.


Create a link per project.

Go to the main project Window,

  1. Select the link icon for the specific project,

  2. Select new link,

  3. Select create new link

  4. decide on your options

  5. Select okay to confirm your settings

Project link.jpgImage Added

Once your link has been created you will be able to see the active link against that project by selecting the link button (selection 1 in the above process). When the link icon is selected the below window will appear.

Project link Options.jpgImage Added

  1. Active till date, can be unlimited of a date

  2. Is this project downloadable by your client, ticked, yes, unticked no

  3. Edit the Active till and downloadable option

  4. Delete link

  5. Open the project from a customer perspective (Very cool feature)

  6. Copy link (copy link and add it to an email)

  7. Email link directly from WinCan Web (great feature but client email spam filters often kill the email before it gets to the client!!!!, use option 6 and copy the link and email it directly or send them an active report with links in)