This how-to guide demonstrates how to load the predefined node icons into WinCan Map using the theme properties wizard and the images included in the software. This can be used by all territories and users.
The images included are .svg file type which means that they can be scaled to any on-screen size without any loss of definition or clarity. The images are saved in C:\Users\Public\Documents\CDLAB\WinCanMapVX\Themes\Icons.
To start, select the Properties panel of the WinCan Manhole layer by using a right-click option:
Use the Wizard to make a query on the OBJ_NodeType field, or just set it as a fixed icon, and select ‘Symbol’ from the drop down list in the properties panel:
Select ‘File’ and navigate to the image that you want:
Select a colour and a size for the image (the image can scaled to any size without loss of clarity – that is the great thing about svg files):
Save your theme you wish to use it again in the future by right-clicking on the layer in the Layers panel.
The icons included look like this: