Welches sind die Unterschiede oder Vorteile bei der Verwendung der ANDROID App WinCan Mobile gegenüber der klassischen Schachtprotokollierung über die Software WinCanVX?
Die Verwendung von WinCan Mobile erfordert immer ein gültiges WinCanWeb-Konto mit aktvierter FLEX-Lizenz. Sobald Sie sich mit einem gültigen Web-Konto auf Ihrem mobilen Gerät (SmartPhone oder Tabletrechner) angemeldet haben, können Sie ein Projekt erstellen, Schachtdaten erfassen, Videoclips und Fotos für jeden Schacht aufnehmen und das gesamte Projekt schliesslich in Ihren Arbeitsbereich auf der WinCan-CLOUD hochladen.
Die FLEX-Lizenz erlaubt dem Benutzer anschliessend, die Schachtdaten zu ergänzen und die Protokolle direkt auf der CLOUD zu erstellen, von wo der Projektlink zuletzt and den Endkunden verschickt wird.
Data recording with built-in camera of SmartPhone or tablet computer
1.) Run the Mobile App, go to Settings and check your Web account data (i.e. username and password)
2.) Create a project based on the damage assessment standard which is mainly used in your country
3.) Enter at least the following data for each manhole:
Manhole name
Manhole depth (measured from cover to bottom)
Date of inspection
Name of the operator
Cover shape
Cover diameter and width
Manhole entries: type (inlets and outlets) and clock position
4.) Take 3 or 4 photos per manhole:
Photo of the manhole and its surroundings (for easier localization)
Photo of the manhole cover
Photo of the manhole taken from the cover level (0.00 m)
Photo of the manhole bottom
5.) Record one video clip (app. 30 sec) per manhole
6.) Upload the project to the WinCan CLOUD
Refer to the documentation for more details.
Data recording with QV360 camera from iPEK
It is recommended this job is done by 2 operators
1.) Run the Mobile App, go to Settings and check your Web account data (i.e. username and password)
2.) Save your settings and hit the button Devices and enter Bluetooth and camera serial number into the corresponding text field. You can get both serial numbers form your personal WebCloud Voucher:
3.) Create a project based on the damage assessment standard which is mainly used in your country
4.) Enter at least the following data for each manhole:
Manhole name
Manhole depth (measured from cover to bottom)
Cover diameter and width
Position of the manhole: the coordinates are provided by the GPS receiver of the mobile device (SmartPhone or tablet computer). Move the mobile device to the center of the manhole and confirm the position by pressing directly on the corresponding green icon which then turns into red.
5.) Take 2 photos for each manhole
Photo of the manhole and its surroundings (for easier localization)
Photo of the manhole cover
6.) Hit the button Devices>Connect to connect to the QV360 device
Make sure your the camera stick has been extended to the manhole depth and that the laser dot of the camera points to the center of the manhole bottom.
Mind that the camera stick is moved vertically, steadily and slowly from the cover level to the bottom.
7.) Select the manhole and hit the button QV360 to start recording:
8.) Click on Preview to set the start point of recording; mind the cover ring appears on app. 75% of the image height.
9.) Set the luminosity slider to 75% or higher
10.) Hit the button Run Inspection, slide down the camera stick and mind the state of the information panel that flashes up on the WinCan Mobile App:
MOVE → movement OK
SLOW → slow down movement
STOP → recording finished → slide up the camera stick
11.) Switch to the list of manholes and hit the button MediaFiles
12.) Play back the video clip of the currently recorded manhole
13.) Upload the project to the WinCan CLOUD.
14.) Data processing based on the video clip runs automatically after upload. Hit the button Project>AI scan jobs to follow the progress in a separate panel:
15.) Once finished there will be available 3 different views for each manhole:
360 video view
3D view
Unfolded view of the manhole wall
Refer to the documentation for more details