Manhole Data Entry on Mobile Devices with WinCan MobileApp
Data entry for manholes can be done via the pipe inspection software WinCanVX or the WinCan MobileApp running on mobile devices.
This small application is available for free via Google PlayStore and has been designed for the following operating systems or platforms:
Android tablet computer
Android SmartPhone
An easy and self explanatory user interface allows TV operators to enter the following basic manhole data and upload them directly to the WinCan CLOUD:
Manhole main data: name, town, street, depth to invert, X/Y coordinates…
Manhole inspection data: date, operator, inspection type and purpose, wheather
Manhole parts: cover, cone, chamber, bench…
Inlets and outlets: drawn on photo or graphical clock sketch
The usage of the WinCan MobileApp always requires a WinCanWeb account with the FLEX mode activated. Once the account data are saved on your mobile device (SmartPhone or tablet computer) you can create a project, enter manhole data, link video clips and photos to each manhole and finally upload it to your workspace on the WinCan CLOUD.
The FLEX mode then allows the user to complete the manhole data and create the reports directly on the CLOUD where the project link is finally sent from to the end customer.
Data recording with built-in camera of SmartPhone or tablet computer
1.) Run the Mobile App, go to Settings, select your country and check your Web account data (i.e. username and password)
2.) Create a project based on the damage assessment standard which is mainly used in your country/region
3.) Enter at least the following data for each manhole:
Manhole name
Manhole depth (measured from cover to bottom)
Date of inspection
Name of the operator
Cover shape
Cover diameter and width
Manhole entries: type (inlets and outlets) and clock position
Position of the manhole: the coordinates are provided by the GPS receiver of the mobile device (SmartPhone or tablet computer). Move the mobile device (green icon) to the center of the manhole and confirm the current position hitting the button set current as node position: a red icon then shows the manhole position. Finally hit the SAVE button to return to the data entry mask.
4.) Manholes without defects: take 3 or 4 photos per manhole:
Photo of the manhole and its surroundings (for easier localization)
Photo of the manhole cover
Photo of the manhole taken from the cover level (0.00 m)
Photo of the manhole bottom
5.) Manholes with defects: take 1 picture per defect
6.) Record one video clip (app. 30 sec) per manhole
Data transfer
Go to Settings>Login, enter the user credentials for your Web account and save the settings.
Switch to the project list, select the desired project and hit the cloud icon.
Next hit the Push button to have the project uploaded to the WinCan CLOUD: a user friendly display is going to inform the user continuously about the upload progress which is particularly important in case of large manhole projects.
Launch your Internet browser and log in with your Web account.
Check whether all manholes have been uploaded together with the corresponding video clips and photos. In case of large manhole projects it can last more than an hour until the videos can be played back.
Printing of the manhole inspection reports can be done directly in the CLOUD. If you prefer to print your survey protocol with the software WinCan VX you may also download the whole project on your local hard drive and open it with a licensed version of WinCanVX.
Refer to the documentation for more details.
Data recording with QV360 camera from iPEK
It is recommended that this job is done by 2 operators
1.) Run the Mobile App, go to Settings, select your country and check your Web account data (i.e. username and password)
2.) Save your settings and hit the button Devices and enter Bluetooth and camera serial number into the corresponding text field. You can get both serial numbers form your personal WebCloud Voucher:
3.) Create a project based on the damage assessment standard which is mainly used in your country
4.) Enter at least the following data for each manhole:
Manhole name
Manhole depth (measured from cover to bottom)
Cover diameter and width
Position of the manhole: the coordinates are provided by the GPS receiver of the mobile device (SmartPhone or tablet computer). Move the mobile device (green icon) to the center of the manhole and confirm the current position hitting the button set current as node position: a red icon then shows the manhole position. Finally hit the SAVE button to return to the data entry mask.
5.) Take 2 photos for each manhole
Photo of the manhole and its surroundings (for easier localization)
Photo of the manhole cover
6.) Hit the button Devices>Connect to connect to the QV360 device
7.) Select the manhole and hit the button QV360 to start recording:
Make sure the camera stick has been extended to the manhole depth and that the laser dot of the camera points to the center of the manhole bottom.
Mind that the camera stick is moved vertically, steadily and slowly from the cover level to the bottom.
8.) Click on Preview to set the start point of recording; mind the cover ring appears on app. 75% of the image height.
9.) Set the luminosity slider to 75% or higher
10.) Hit the button Run Inspection, slide down the camera stick and mind the state of the information panel that flashes up on the WinCan Mobile App:
MOVE → movement OK
SLOW → slow down movement
STOP → recording finished → slide up the camera stick
11.) Switch to the list of manholes and hit the button MediaFiles
12.) Play back the video clip of the currently recorded manhole
Data transfer
Go to Settings>Login, enter the user credentials for your Web account and save the settings.
Switch to the project list, select the desired project and hit the cloud icon.
Next hit the Push button to have the project uploaded to the WinCan CLOUD: a user friendly display is going to inform the user continuously about the upload progress which is particularly important in case of large manhole projects.
Launch your Internet browser and log in with your Web account.
Check whether all manholes have been uploaded together with the corresponding video clips. In case of large manhole projects it can last more than an hour until the videos can be played back.
Data processing
Data processing based on the video clip runs automatically after upload. Hit the button Project>AI scan jobs to follow the progress in a separate panel:
Once finished there will be available 3 different views for each manhole:
360° video view
3D view
2D view of the unfolded manhole wall
Printing of the manhole inspection reports can only be done in the CLOUD. The 2D view allows the user to measure the dimensions and to assess the defects.
Refer to the documentation for more details