When trying to upload a project the progress bar unexpectedly stops and tells the user that the current project failed to upload for any reason. What can the user do to get the project properly uploaded?
The WEB platform is based on SQL-Server whereas the project database is base on SQL-Lite; the latter one allows information beeing written into database tables/fields that other database formats would not allow, such as:
Links to clips or photos that are no longer assigned to any observation
Observations that are no longer assigned to any section
So when uploading project data that contain such a kind or orphanded links , WinCan WEB will not allow that and immediately stops the upload.
The user can either edit the database and grab for the wrong information that caused the upload failure or he can simply copy the project data into a new project using the command Data Exchange > Copy:
Make sure you enter a sensible for the new project and that you activate all options as depicted above. WinCanVX then is going to create a blank project structure and copies all the data into the new project: failures in the old project structure will thus disappear.
Upload the new project and checkt the result.