Printing in WinCan VX

Printing in WinCan VX

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Printing in WinCan VX

Printing of Inclination reports in WinCan VX is simply a case of selecting the ‘Section Inclination’ report (or the ‘Lateral Inclination’ report) in the printing panel and then considering the extended options, most of which math the options already described in this manual:


Printing panel in WinCan VX.

The first option to consider is the drop down list at the very top of the panel. There are usually two options here for the reporting file:

  • Default - gives the standard WinCan report output with 2 lines of data fields across the top of the report.

  • SV-P91 - gives the Swedish style SV-P91 report output with the 3 lines of data fields across the top of the report.

In the details panel we can select the WinCan or SV-P91 graph. This is not the same thing as the notes above regarding the reporting file. This option affects the image of the graph, whether or not it includes the tolerance lines and bands, so users would normally expect to match the SV-P91 reporting file with the SV-P91 graph and vica-versa.

The other options in the details panel are the same as we have seen in previous sections of this manual for:

  • Show Inclination Curve

  • Smooth Inclination

  • Show Grid

  • Fit to Altitudes

The last option for scaling is not available in the inclination panel and is only available for the main printing machine. This allows the user to specify a fixed scale at which to print all of the inclination graphs in the report. This is sometimes defined as a requirement by engineers on some projects.

Some example reports might look like:


The simple default reporting options output.

Notice in this report that there are 2 lines of data fields across the top and the vertical scale on the left side is auto-selected by the software for the optimal primting.

All printing options activated with SV-P91 printing.

Now see that there are 3 lines of data fields across the top of the report, the graph has more detail on it and the graph has been printed at a user-specified scale of 1 : 10. If the scaling is not set with this data, then VX prints it at 1 : 8.

Regardless of the user printing options that are selected, the data points in the project have not changed. We are only changing the way that the data is presented to the reader.