Observation Codes

Observation Codes

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Observation Codes - Differences with WRc

There are some significant differences in the inspection observation codes used in the WRc MSCC documentation and those used in HADDMS, and there are also some similarities.

The full list of observation codes available for HADDMS and included in WinCan VX is available in the ADMM Part 2 v11 Requirements & Additional Information document which can be found on the Landing page for this manual - WinCan VX GDMS User Guide.

The observation codes in the HADDMS data dictionary include those for all assets, so not only pipes and manholes. They also include observation codes for all types of linear assets including above ground surface items, region items and a variety of codes specifically for given asset types.

These codes will not be covered in any great detail here, but suffice it to say that all of the codes are available in either the section/lateral (i.e. continuous items) observation codes or the node (i.e. point or region items) observation codes and the user can quickly filter on each group of codes by single clicking on the relevant code class to show only the codes in that class on the left hand side:


Navigating through the code classes to filter the full code list.

To clear a filtered list and return back to the full list, just click anywhere in the grey area.

Focusing on only the pipe inspection codes, there are;

  • 47 observations codes that are in HADDMS but not in WRc, and

  • 10 observation codes that are in WRc but not in HADDMS.

The intricacies of the detail of these differences will not be covered here and the user is encouraged to use the keyword search box at the top-left corner of the observation data entry window to find the correct code for the observation they wish to make, but the following is a short list of some of the most significant differences between WRc and HADDMS pipe inspection codes:

  • The first observation code in inspections of all linear asset continuous items is START. There are no ‘node type’ codes like we see in WRc coding such as CP, MH, OF etc. There is just START and nothing else. The reason for this that in HADDMS we do not have to specify the type of asset that the inspection starts at because that asset style is already defined in the header data, so we merely need to indicate that the inspection has ‘started’.

  • The last observation code in inspections is END or an abandoned code. The END code replaces WRc codes like CPF, MHF etc

  • There are 5 different abandoned codes unlike WRc which only has 1. You can find these by typing something like ‘Aban’ into the observation code search box and they will be listed for you and you will be able to make your own decisions about which is most appropriate for your inspection termination.

  • There is a WLS water level code that does not exist in WRc coding documentation. This is for ‘Standing’ Water Level and should not be confused with the more regular WL which refers to ‘Flowing’ water. The WLS code is scored (unlike WL), so should be used when you see a belly in the line which indicates a failure of the pipe bedding, but should not be used at the start of the inspection.

  • There are 8 ‘line deviates’ codes unlike WRc which has only 4.

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