WinCan Web: Open objects with external URL

WinCan Web: Open objects with external URL

It is possible to open particular objects (sections, laterals, manholes) in WinCan Web with an external url. It is also possible to open objects in WinCan Web directly from the reports.


  1. The Weblink url to the WinCan Web project is required. This link can be found in WinCan VX Project settings or WinCan Web

  2. Specify which object should be opened

    1. Section = SECTION_VIEW

    2. Lateral = LATERAL_VIEW

    3. Node = NODE_VIEW

  3. Specify the desired section, lateral or manhole name

    1. OBJ_KEY = Name


PRJ_WebLink + ?type=SECTION_VIEW&filter= + OBJ_Key
PRJ_WebLink + ?type=LATERAL_VIEW&filter= + OBJ_Key
PRJ_WebLink + ?type=NODE_VIEW&filter= + OBJ_Key



A WinCan VX project has to be uploaded to the WinCan Web and this project need a Weblink. To get this Weblink an option must be set in WinCan Web or in WinCan VX.

  1. WinCan Web

    1. The option “Create project link after uploading project” must be set for the user


    2. If this option is set the Weblink will be visible in WinCan VX


  2. WinCan VX
    The same option can also be set in WinCan VX

    1. First you must be logged in in WinCan Web


    2. Select Settings\WinCan Web\Company

      Set the checkbox “Create project link after uploading project”


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