How to create a new project

How to create a new project


  1. Click on New Project button

  2. Login to Your WinCan account

  3. Enter Project name, select Country, Language and Standard

  4. Click on create

  5. Create New Manhole inside this Project, by clicking on “Create New Manhole“

  6. Enter manhole details (number, depth, cover diameter etc.)

  7. Click on Create

  8. Click on Set location

  9. Select “Set current as node position“ and save

  10. Open photos tab to add new photos or videos

  11. Open QV360 tab to connect to Your camera

    1. Select Your camera

    2. Click on connect

    3. If you are prompted to enter the Bluetooth code then type: 123123

  12. Start the inspection

    1. Point the built in laser to the bottom of the mahole to detect initial depth

    2. Move the camera down the manhole

  13. Wait until the video is downloaded from the camera

  14. Go back to the main project view

  15. Find Your project and click on PUSH button

  16. Switch the network to the one with Internet access

  17. Click on PUSH button

  18. Wait until the Project is uploaded



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