Due to the sophisticated technical concept of the DigiSewer scanning technology, lots of important details have to be taken into account when getting the equipment operated and controlled from the WinCan software.
Always go to through the whole checklist in case the DigiSewer equipment does not run anymore as expected:
1.) Check your PC-Hardware:
Processor: INTEL Core i5 or higher
RAM: 8 GByte or more
Hard Drive: 300 GByte free disk space or more
Encoding Device: VITEC Video Capture board from CDLAB.
2.) Check your operating system:
Windows 10 PRO (64 bit), latest updates installed
Windows 11 PRO (64 bit), latest updates installed
Make sure the V8–VitecDriver and the V8–DigiSewer-Application are completely uninstalled from the computer!
3.) Download the latest versions of the installation files below:
Important note: WinCanVXSetup already contains the VX-DigiSewer-Application