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Release notes - WinCan VX - 1.2023.15.1

Page Contents

New Requests

  • WVX-7637 CH-Interlis Import/Export: New data model 2020

  • WVX-8505 Cyclic upload of the project to the WEB

  • WVX-8524 Option to Include External Docs in Print

  • WVX-8733 VSA-2019 Total Score Calculation Update

  • WVX-8755 New Cleaning Data Entry System Needed

  • WVX-8762 VX - Cityworks - Error Handling

  • WVX-8764 VX - Cityworks - 15.8 Upgrades - Handle media attachments

  • WVX-8952 [Printing] New Z profile Report

  • WVX-9021 New Option to Auto Create Lateral Against Inspection

  • WVX-9033 [3D Application] Option to Reload Project

  • WVX-9078 Investigation - Vivax Locator: Z coordinate correction with GeoTif

  • WVX-9086 Enterprise - Add the ability to search by master project name

  • WVX-9161 OSD Shenzhen Singa: Add setting distance unit

  • WVX-9213 Shenzen Singa OSD: protocol changes

Bug Fixes

  • WVX-9123 LightViewer starts with an error message

  • WVX-9159 It's not possible to print any Node report

  • WVX-9160 Swiss VSA 2019 Standard - Error when adding some observations

  • WVX-9271 RC 15.1 Import Geodatabase Doesn't Work Anymore

  • WVX-9279 [ReleaseTest] 3D Measurement shows "Start node has no coordinates" while the node had been placed.

  • WVX-9285 [ReleaseTest] Auto Create Connections creates two inspections for each created node.

  • WVX-9286 [ReleaseTest] Auto Create Connections works wrong if an existing lateral has upper node of CON type.

  • WVX-9288 [ReleaseTest] InvalidOperationException when clicked NEXT button after selecting "Manually plot node in Map"

  • WVX-9291 v8-VX Conversion Doesn't Create New Node Inspection Records

  • WVX-9303 SIA-405: Coordinates are not correctly imported anymore

  • WVX-8292 Hansen Export

  • WVX-8457 [Map] Selection shape is re-rendered after zoom/pan

  • WVX-8518 VX crashes when trying to close it when Miraculix Editor window is open

  • WVX-8640 Rehab Catalogue Editor Does Not Support all Languages or Currencies

  • WVX-8657 Modifying sewer elements in WO - additional WO processes in VX

  • WVX-8658 SoftwareOSD: OSD objects are shown if they are switched off

  • WVX-8668 Error in text display; range of local defect (e.g. BCBE) not always completely displayed

  • WVX-8670 Inspected manholes not highlighted in the corresponding color

  • WVX-8687 360 videos upside down

  • WVX-8688 Photos taken from 360 videos are not correct

  • WVX-8696 [Template Editor] Not Possible to Move Lines Anymore

  • WVX-8704 Created Files Not Added to DOCU Table

  • WVX-8722 Deactivate/Change License buttons missing

  • WVX-8737 Manhole Tab can't be opened for Re-imported RibX project

  • WVX-8746 Buttons on the bottom section not working properly?

  • WVX-8752 V14.1 - Normal Viewer does not start sometimes

  • WVX-8760 Create new project wizard form height needs adjustment

  • WVX-8770 Export Error for Isybau XML, Material for In- and Outlets

  • WVX-8772 Adding INFLOW or OUTFLOW entry observation creates the entry with UNKNOWN flow direction

  • WVX-8781 Issue with GIS import into existing project

  • WVX-8784 Auto Create Laterals Upstream Node Type Doesn't Work

  • WVX-8826 DataExchange - MACP6 - ipf are not being attached as scans

  • WVX-8828 After Load the Database from VC500 into VX - Error in 3D

  • WVX-8829 Exception if OBJ_Shape_WKT of a section has only one coordinate

  • WVX-8837 [Technical] Update jQuery to mitigate risk of exploits in VX

  • WVX-8842 Copy Function for Section, Laterals and Manholes shows not all Data

  • WVX-8880 Map: Vivax error

  • WVX-8923 3D Application Plots the Manhole at the Wrong Coordinates

  • WVX-8930 Z Profile View Problems

  • WVX-8959 No inclination values ​​Ibos Boss 100 Boss 150 CamBoss 4 PAL

  • WVX-8967 [3D measurement] Measurement gets only (1,2,3) points and throws exception

  • WVX-8970 When adding a starting observation, a popup asking whether to reset the counter is not displayed.

  • WVX-8984 The new node is drawn incorrectly in 3D.

  • WVX-8986 VX crashed during a forward measurement from downstream with upstream inspection of a lateral

  • WVX-8998 Node Edit Window Opens at the Last User Position

  • WVX-8999 Pop Ups Opening in the Wrong Place Onscreen

  • WVX-9012 ProTouch daily job is throwing null ref exception but it looks like catalogs are committed anyway to their repo

  • WVX-9023 DataExchange - MACP7 - Connection pipe number changing on import

  • WVX-9025 BEDDSS Export Problem

  • WVX-9027 DataExchange- MACP7 - Import/Export should not add default values when empty

  • WVX-9030 [Map] Observation Layer Missing Fileds for Display

  • WVX-9031 Scoring - MACP7 - Frame Offset Distance (structural) Rating wrong value

  • WVX-9032 Node Templates Should Not be Set On Install of Map

  • WVX-9034 Views -> Save As Does not Behave as Expected

  • WVX-9041 Cannot Manually Add an Existing Lateral to a new Code in a New Inspection

  • WVX-9044 DataExchange - MACP6 - Import/Export missing values

  • WVX-9045 Connector Node Linked to Wrong Observation

  • WVX-9046 Auto Create Lateral Tool Does not add OBJ_Unit to CON Nodes

  • WVX-9049 Map Select All when No Layer Select Throws Exception

  • WVX-9051 Inspection Grid Crash

  • WVX-9058 [SDK.GIS] Tests are not working on Release config on build server

  • WVX-9060 Latvia NZPIM scoring, has no object scoring results

  • WVX-9061 CDLAB.WinCan.MediaRenaming - Building a solution fails

  • WVX-9064 Cannot change node coords when depth to invert is not set. 3D does not plot nodes without chamber filled

  • WVX-9067 Map is Not Showing Sections

  • WVX-9070 Fix - Unable to Print from SQL Server

  • WVX-9072 Whilst using a filter in VX followed by media distribution not all folders are exported (Docu, video and pictures)

  • WVX-9081 Wrong Translations in WinCan VX and Web Reports

  • WVX-9082 Missing Geometry Value (RAP) in Data Export for Isybau Sections and Manholes

  • WVX-9087 License kept activated despite it has been deactivated in WIS

  • WVX-9096 MACP- Template should change base on field Inspection Level

  • WVX-9098 MACP- Ratings should revalidate after saving MH parts

  • WVX-9099 WinCan OSD

  • WVX-9116 DataExchange- MACP6 - Import/Export should not add default values when empty

  • WVX-9118 [Release Tests] Scan Explorer takes wrong scan path

  • WVX-9119 Switching sections is extremely slow due to inefficient OsdTextBuilder implementation

  • WVX-9122 [Release Test][DDMS] Map didn't show an automatically created lateral immediately - Reload project was needed

  • WVX-9124 Imported Data Messed up on Multipoint Isybau 2006

  • WVX-9125 [Release Test] Service Host - merge failed "Line 1160: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

  • WVX-9127 [MERGER] AI Inspections not merged when merging a Project to Enterprise Master Project

  • WVX-9134 [Map] Exception after map reinitialization when snapping is on

  • WVX-9136 Buttons in Photo/Video window do not work after creating lateral in lateral

  • WVX-9138 [Release Test] SQL based project -> Printing the report -> "The ObjectContext instance has been disposed…"

  • WVX-9139 [Release Test] A thread exception during report printing of a SQL project.

  • WVX-9150 Error in Map when changing coordinate system of layer

  • WVX-9151 [3D measurement] Open project with inclination data only, crashes with a ArgumentNullException.

  • WVX-9152 [IBAK] Lateral measurement (forward, from lower node) starts going in wrong direction.

  • WVX-9157 Problem with creating new project

  • WVX-9158 Applicaton thread exception: System.Exception: Assembly HarfBuzzSharp - two scenarios

  • WVX-9163 MOATAv4 export not working in Wincan v15.0.6

  • WVX-9165 The new country only appears after a clean installation

  • WVX-9166 System.InvalidOperationException on video recording stop (Video Device is Elecard)

  • WVX-9169 WinCan 3D module (WinCan3DVX.exe) crashes just after showing "Starting WinCan 3d"

  • WVX-9188 New Merger, merging into New Project, FOREIGN KEY constraint failed.

  • WVX-9199 Map VX, error when trying to Draw point without layer selected

  • WVX-9205 No Node coordinate in the Node report, Multipoint problem

  • WVX-9206 [MAP] Exception when you want to draw a line and close wizard before end

  • WVX-9224 SDK.GIS Inspection calculation exception

  • WVX-9284 [Web] use nologout flag to get longer token which cannot be invalidated by logging to browser with same credentials

  • WVX-9292 [ReleaseTest] Start of Normal Distribution lasts for over 15 minutes (so I eventually aborted it).

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