The WinCan VX section (and lateral) header is quite different from the WRc versions due to the fact that this is a different inspection standard, but there are some similarities because both standards follow the guidelines laid out in BS EN 13508.
The WinCan section and node headers are split into two sides, left and right in all standards for all territories around the world. The difference between the two sides is that the left side is all about the asset and the right side is all about the inspection. In this page, we will consider the asset details and then the inspection details.
In this section we will look in detail at the section header, but not the node header. The node header is vitally important in HADDMS projects and cannot be ignored, but the general theme of the fields follows the section header and many of the fields only have simple Yes/No option lists so do not really need any detailed explanation.
Another simple Yes/No option pick list, maps to the continuous shapefile field PERFORATED. This should be entered as ‘Yes’ if you can clearly see perforation holes in the pipe. If they are there, then they are usually evenly spaced and all around the pipe, and their purpose is to allow the water to drain away to the surrounding ground when it rains. This is an easy field for CCTV operators to complete.
WinCan VX Section Inspection Header
The inspection header
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