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Data Validation
The Data Validation tool is simply the most important part of the entire delivery process for HADDMS data from WinCan VX. This process is a key part of the post processing part of the pathway, but its use is very strongly recommended at an inspection level on the CCTV van.
The ‘Change view’ button on the validation panel changes the reporting style of the results but does not change the results that are shown. In the ‘normal’ view, we see the validation results for each inspection, but clicking on the ‘Change view’ button shows the list of errors/warnings found and which inspections they appear in:
Changing the results view.
This view can be very useful for fixing the ‘low hanging fruit’, or the errors that crop up many many times in a project because these errors can often be fixed in one go using the The Search & Replace Tool.
Clicking the ‘Change view’ button switches it back to the original view style.