Many inspection companies get plans from their clients (municipalities) or managers (engineers, architects) showing the area with the objects to be inspected. The following article describes three possibilities that WinCan VX provides to finally have these plans integrated into the project either as a part of the inspection report or as a simple file attachment to the project.
Attach existing plan directly to the project
This possibility allows the user to select a file in the formats PDF, JPEG, PNG and attach it directly to the current project. The file is copied into the project sub-folder \Misc\Docu and becomes a part of the project structure:
Open the desired project and select the command Tools > Project Documents:
Hit the folder icon (1) in the dialogue box below, browse for the corresponding file (2) and click on Open:
The plot is then copied directly into the project subfolder \Misc\Doc
Import existing plan as project picture
Use this possibility, if the plot already contains all important details and just needs to be printed as a part of the inspection report.
Open the desired project, select the project header tab (1) and hit the PLUS icon (2) in the panel Documents:
Browse for the corresponding picuture representing the corresponding plot and click on Open: