v16.1 Hotfix Release Notes - 22 Oct 2024
Release notes - WinCan VX - 1.2024.16.1
Page Contents
New Requests
WVX-8732 New option to paste images from clipboard to WinCan Draw
WVX-9004 Implement rehab merging (JOBPOS) in new merger
WVX-9467 Setup PACP8 Data Exchange
WVX-9518 [Map] UX improvements of Undo/Redo
WVX-9522 [Map] Undo/Redo for shape edits
WVX-9566 Add MiniCam Lateral Launch Protocol
WVX-9654 Option to Set Image Size in Map
WVX-9656 Shift and Rotate All Options
WVX-9658 Import Improvements Where Schema File Exists
WVX-9708 PACP/LACP/MACP8 Validation
WVX-9813 Z coordinate of the upper manhole is usually too low
WVX-9817 Add validation of db3 file with PACP/LACL/MACP8 before import
WVX-9847 Map Validator Tag to Identify Rules to be Excluded on Import Validation
Bug Fixes
WVX-10037 3D Error Placement Con or Nod at the End of forward Measurment
WVX-10113 Map Timeout
WVX-10178 Gis Shape Import into existing; NullRefException
WVX-8718 [dotNet 6 test] Issue with playback video when GStreamer is default video player
WVX-8776 [dotNet 6 test] Instead Scan Explorer, the Panoramo Viewer with wrong scan is opened.
WVX-8806 [dotNet 6 test] "Applicaton thread exception" when trying to open a document file
WVX-8974 [WinCan 3D] Connection stub is still visible when lateral is connected
WVX-9137 Map file cannot be opened in VX map with specific map settings
WVX-9173 3D View Error during Printing
WVX-9175 Jumping "WinCan Position marker" in WinCan3DVX module
WVX-9178 NASSCO imports w/ missing PSRs fails to create all lines
WVX-9189 Unable to pick list values from field OBJ_RateValue when video playback is paused
WVX-9378 On some setups new merger doesn't add created project to the projects' list
WVX-9408 [Printing] Combined Inspection Reports Must show the Details from Each End
WVX-9512 Opening *.SDF files from older projects on a network location fails
WVX-9604 [GDMS] Import Data to an existing project
WVX-9650 Regenerate sort-order tool doesn't works well with projects having big mess
WVX-9651 Issue with SQL Linz Project Auto Naming regeneration
WVX-9655 [dotNet 6 test] "Applicaton thread exception" when trying to add a section
WVX-9660 Isybau Import/Export of connection point types (GOK) is wrong
WVX-9674 Map Cannot Handle Duplicate OBJ_Keys
WVX-9683 [Printing] Settings to toggle paper size/ page number do not work/ save
WVX-9684 XML Import Special Characters not Handled Correctly
WVX-9699 Hide Date and Time Option Hides Many Other Things
WVX-9701 Export Coordinates and Coordinate system for DWA is not correct
WVX-9707 [Data entry] MSCC5 - Reference pipe does not save at the first time
WVX-9715 [DDMS/GDMS] Inspection fields Read Only when creating new section
WVX-9716 WinCan VX 15.2: Rausch Latras 3D measurements do not work anymore
WVX-9717 DataExchange - Import not creating the correct workorders
WVX-9722 [MapVX] When editing any shape data using info tool, the shape is deleted after committing
WVX-9725 Coordinates for a CON have not the correct Position in the Template
WVX-9729 Merge template/catalogue validation
WVX-9751 NZPIM MOATA Export Edits
WVX-9755 Rehab: Cannot enter numeric values in the JOBPOS grid anymore
WVX-9761 VX Dialog in Template
WVX-9767 Version 15.2 - MOATAv4 Export still not working properly
WVX-9771 German 3D project correction
WVX-9775 [Jenkns Agent] - Unable to generate catalogs, VX does not start
WVX-9787 Data import, VSA-DSS-2020; new option "Interlis-Import: Join section parts together"
WVX-9792 Wrong pop-up in the Node Wizard.
WVX-9798 <PunktAttributAbwasser> is not correctly exported in Isybau XML
WVX-9799 Calculate invert levels doesn't work for CON nodes with POINT shape
WVX-9801 DDMS/GDMS Import Creates CONS with depths
WVX-9802 Wincan VX web upload failure
WVX-9803 New Merger - Sql Server database invalid nvarchar column length
WVX-9807 Rehab positions; Price rounding issues
WVX-9820 Rausch first 3d measurement with camera preset goes in wrong direction
WVX-9823 Geiger Rehab: Job overview causes error message
WVX-9838 [GDMS] Unable to View or Edit Component.dbf Data for Continuous Objects in Map
WVX-9843 New Merger fails with 'no such column: PK_JOBPOS' when an SQL project is a "Target database"
WVX-9856 On adding the "abandon inspection" code the upper node should not be drawn
WVX-9857 Map "Processing data in WinCan VX" stays forever
WVX-9858 First attempt to start a lateral 3D measurement with Simple 3D -> 12 o'clock arrow is shown to the North, should be along the main pipe's inspection
WVX-9874 VX crashes, part of thew button becomes inactive when we reset the Work order from in progress to To Do
WVX-9879 GDMS Map Validator Problems
WVX-9883 Show Manhole Names in Inspection Direction Field No Longer Works
WVX-9884 [Work Order] The POS_Total is not calculated anymore
WVX-9889 Isybau XML Export: Coordinates are not correctly exported anymore, too many decimals
WVX-9890 Punktattributabwasser not correctly exported in Isybau XML
WVX-9905 [Release Tests] MapVX does not save Startup Project setting when closed and then started.
WVX-9916 [Release Tests] WinCan3D didn't show 3D measurement shape of a lateral during and post the measurement.
WVX-9917 [Release Tests] WinCan3D stopped showing the section's shape and its nodes, when the VX is creating a lateral.
WVX-9918 [Release Tests] Media Renaming is not triggered for nodes - "Always trigger when new media files is created"
WVX-9923 [Release Tests] [Cleaning inspection] New node - wrong Job_Key
WVX-9924 [3D] whole project is loaded even though it contains more than 400 sections
WVX-9930 License invalidation issues customer sees invalid on VX we see Number of day to re auth = 30days
WVX-9932 Get rid of WebClient when asking for server time in VX
WVX-9987 Node Form Crashes VX
WVX-9989 Layer properties window stopped working in v16
WVX-10007 Web - can't create a link
WVX-10064 Ibak SoftControl 3D - not possible to overwrite shape of the lateral backward measurement
WVX-10097 GDMS Import Validation Error Reported when there are no Errors
WVX-10146 Framerate cannot be changed
WVX-10169 The video saved in wrong framerate thus the synchronization between the video and observation does not work, and the video is played too fast.