How does an operator have to work with the Sewerlink App? Which hardware devices has this application been developed for?
The Sewerlink App has especially been designed for quick inspection systems like the Q360 device. The operator has to follow the steps below for an efficient use:
Make sure you have got a personal account for WinCanWEB with the option FLEX included
Install the Sewerlink App on a Tablett PC with an Android operating system
Establish a WiFi connection between the hardware device and the Tablett PC
Launch the Sewerlink App, record a video clip and take pictures: the application creates data packages as so called simple projects (media files without database).
Upload the simple project to WinCanWEB
Log in to WinCanWEB using your personal account and convert the simple project into a normal project (with a database)
Mind the damage standard used in your country so you can create observations.
Download the project to your local hard drive, open it in WinCanVX and create a PDF report, if necessary