Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Besides the official templates some inspection companies in some countries require slight modifications their end customers insist on (e.g. list of pipe materials, pipe shapes, pipe diameters, etc.).

How can we make sure an operator of an inspection company will be able to easily select a modified modifiy an official template without loosing the official orginal templates that may be used for other end customers?


Template customizations done by WinCan Support

Open WinCanVX on your local hard drive and make sure you are logged in as Administrator

Open the template editor under Home > Template Editor:


Select the official template you will have to modify for a specific end customer:

Select the template view (i.e. section main form, section inspection detail form etc.) that contains the field you want to modify and the pick the field from the list:


Do the modifications inside the selected field.

Save the template using the corresponding command as shown below:


The modified template is automatically saved inside the sub-folder C:\Users\PublicDocuments\CDLab\Common\Templates\Custom with the same name.

When creating a new project and selecting the corresponding project standard, WinCanVX will thus automatically select the modified template which is located in the sub-folder \Templates\Custom.

Template customizations done by the user

Make sure that the version 1.2024.15.2 or higher is installed on your computer.

Create a new section or double-click on an existing one, so you get the input mask to enter section and inspection data:

The new version of the Light Template Editor (available in WinCanVX, version 1.2024.15.2 or higher) allows the user to edit a template field only if this field has been set as EDITABLE in the Standard Template Editor


Changes will be saved in the local project database file and C:\Users\Public\Documents\CDLAB\Common\Resources\sqlCE\WCUSER.db3.

The corresponding values you have entered are stored in the tables USRCOL and USRLIST


The database field COL_Modified in the USRCOL table contains a 1 if the database field has been modified. If the field value is 0, WinCan VX is going to ignore it.

Technical background

When trying to edit a template field with Ctrl +DoubleClick, there may be an error that the column is not allowed to be modified, even if the Light Template Flag is set.

In the template editor, we can specify the fields whose properties should become editable with the Light Template Editor. Just make sure the option Editor is checked as shown below:


This kind of template setting is controlled by WinCan Support in order to make sure the latest modifications for all official templates used in different countries will become a part of a new WinCan SETUP.