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An A description of how the Fysisk Indeks should be calculated


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In the Danish DanDas standards, we have a calculated scoring value for the pipe called the Fysisk Indeks (Physical Index).


The calculations are the same for both standards.


The Lookup Table

These are the lookup values for the scores that are used to calculate the Fysisk Indeks. The values are the same for DanDas 2.5 and 2.6 Except for the two values at the bottom that are highlighted in red. These values are only used in DanDas 2.5 and are not used in DanDas 2.6.


The table is split by code groups in each line and by class in the columns 0-4.

The Where observation codes have more than 2 characters, they begin with the two-letter code group, then a class number and then some other characterisations to describe the code, so the class number is always the 3rd character in the code string and the code group is always the first 2 characters in the code string.


The class 4 S2 (finish) code at the end is disregarded because it is at the end of the inspection and has no length, so this should not be considered in the calculations, similar for S3 (abandon) because the inspection cannot carry after this point.

The result of this is that the VA (water level) is defined in the inspection from the beginning to the end.


The Calculations

The calculations of S and F look like this:


  • S = Structural Rate

  • L = Section Length

  • Ln = Length of the Observation - assume 1m if the observation is not continuous and S1 , S2 and VA codes are always continuous.

  • pn = Look Up value from the table above for the code group and class.

  • F = Fysisk Indeks = Service Rate or Physical Index.


Codes IN4, OB4, OS4 and RB4 automatically give the inspection a F of 10, regardless of how many times they appear in the inspection.

If a continuous observation is recorded by the user as 1m long or less, then we do not use the L term in the equation, we assume that the observation is not continuous. Continuous observations must be more than 1m long, or else they are not continuous.



The attached spreadsheet can be used for testing the calculation of Fysisk Indeks.

In it, you will enter the lengths of all observations in each code group with the specified class in the red cells, then enter the section length in the blue cell and the calculations will be made.


Where an observation code is a single point observation, enter a length of 1. If the code appears 4 times in the inspection, enter 4.

Where an observation is continuous, enter the full length of the continuous and sum up continuous lengths of the same code and class,

The code S1 (start) is treated the same as a the VA (water level) code, so if the section is 20m long and it has S1, class 2 at the beginning and no other VA codes during the inspection, then we enter 20 into the length for this code and class.

If there is a VA code class 3 at 8m, then we have 8m of S1 class 2, and then 12m of VA class 3 which gives us the total 20m.

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nameFysisk Indeks Calculation.xlsx


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