3.) Some printing error messages refer to invalid entries in the project database. The following tables are mostly affected and can be edited with the freewars freeware DatabaseDotNET 4.0:
SECINSP: edit this table and check whether some inspections refer to a template/cataloge that the rest of the inspections do not refer to: all inspections must be based on the same template/cataloge as shown in the sample below:
USRCOL: edit this table and delete all records
USERLISTUSRLIST: edit this table and delete all records
Finally launch the software and re-open the project: this is going to write the valid preferred values in to the into the tables USRCOL and USERLISTUSRLIST
4.) Some printing error messages refer to a corrupt XML printing control file: So copy the file WinCanReporting.xml from another machine into the same sub-folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\CDLAB\WinCanVX\Config\Reporting → OK?