Printing issues; solution steps

Printing issues; solution steps


How does the user have to proceed if printing of inspection report pages unexpectedly fails or returns odd results? Most printing error messages produced by the software are not helpful as they do not give precise hints about the component that caused the error.


System environment:

1.) Make sure all updates for Microsoft Windows have been downloaded and installed.

2.) Make sure the latest version of WinCanVX has been installed on your computer: a major part of printing problems that used to occur in the past have been resolved in the latest version (1.2022.15.2 or higher).

3.) Make sure you selected the correct default printer: Microsoft Print to PDF is always a good choice:

Label printers on the other hand may show cut off pages in the print preview as described in the article https://cdlabdev.atlassian.net/l/cp/1wuPnq4W.

4.) Make sure you have downloaded and installed the latest driver version for your default printer.

Software environment:

1.) Some printing error messages refer to unavailable report templates when opening old projects with a new software version. So simply close WinCanVX, delete the project sub-folder \Misc\Reports and re-open the project → OK? (if not, follow the instruction below).


2.) Some printing error messages refer to changes done in the project template: So copy an unchanged version of the database WCUSER.db3 from another machine into the same sub-folder C:\Users\PublicDocuments\CDLab\Common\Resources\sqlCE → OK? (if not, proceed to the next step below).


3.) Some printing error messages refer to invalid entries in the project database. The following tables are mostly affected and can be edited with the freeware DatabaseDotNET 4.0:

SECINSP: edit this table and check whether some inspections refer to a template/cataloge that the rest of the inspections do not refer to: all inspections must be based on the same template/cataloge as shown in the sample below:


USRCOL: edit this table and delete all records

USRLIST: edit this table and delete all records

Finally launch the software and re-open the project: this is going to write the preferred values into the tables USRCOL and USRLIST


4.) Some printing error messages refer to a corrupt XML printing control file: So copy the file WinCanReporting.xml from another machine into the same sub-folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\CDLAB\WinCanVX\Config\Reporting → OK?