Round Tripping

Round Tripping

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Round Tripping

In 2019 Highways England published two new documents which describe the technical data form of and the workflow process of delivering HADDMS data to the Areas.  These are CD 535 Drainage Asset Data and Risk Management (formerly HD 43/03) and CS 551 Drainage Surveys (formerly SD 15/03), more commonly referred to as CD 535 and CS 551.

In 2021, Highways England rebranded an dbecame as National Highways.

The process of round-tripping is detailed in CS 551.  Prior to the publication of this document and when using previous WinCan application versions, there was a common issue on the HADDMS database where successive sets of inspection data were loaded on top of each other for given sites, and the result that a single catchpit (as an example) could have multiple different sets of attributes and multiple sets of coordinates, and there was never any real way of knowing which set of data was correct and resulted in a lack of confidence in the data.  CS 551 states:

Quotation - ‘The process carried out in an area of existing data that ensures one version-of-the-truth of the drainage inventory and condition data is maintained on the DDMS, by downloading the available data before a survey commences, and then checking, updating or adding to it in the field, before uploading it back to the DDMS, including any unchanged data, replacing the previous version of the data on the DDMS.’

Round Tripping

The Round Tripping Cycle.

In the round-trip cycle, the green boxes are tasks that must be carried out by the Area (the client), and the red boxes are the tasks that the contractor carries out once they have secured the works.  The process cannot be completed if one or the other party is not playing ball.

WinCan VX aims to satisfy all the red parts of the process throughout the site works and the back-office post processing.

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