HADDMS Inspection Merging
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Inspection Merging
HADDMS requires that only one inspection of an asset is ever included in the final delivery data to the system.
WinCan VX allows users to create multiple inspections of assets, so there needs to be some controls in place to ensure that the correct inspection is used at the point of export to shapefile.
One special case exists where there is at least one abandoned inspection from each end of a continuous item. In this case, we need to combine the two inspections into a single inspection in a downstream direction.
There are a number of additional controls and rules around this concept, but they are all covered internally by the software without user input, and there is a full description of the inspection merging tool available outside of this manual here - Inspection Merging - Service & Support - Confluence (atlassian.net)
For HADDMS, it is important that you DO NOT change ANY of the settings in the red boxes. Just:
Select all
Click the green tick.