Software Requirements

Software Requirements

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WinCan VX aims to be the only software application required to collect, validate, and round trip HADDMS data.  Gone are the days of using WinCan to collect CCTV inspection data, photos, videos and pdf reports, and then using any 3rd party GIS application to produce the shapefiles and AutoCAD to make the drawings.  Almost all of this can now be done in WinCan VX.

WinCan Software

  • All users wishing to work on HADDMS projects in WinCan VX must have the Expert version of our software.  This includes all CCTV trucks and back-office processing users.  The ability to create and/or edit HADDMS database projects in all other versions of WinCan VX is blocked.  WinCan VX only runs on PCs with Windows 8 or higher.

  • WinCan Web is our cloud data sharing solution that can be used to share project data backwards and forwards between the CCTV trucks and the office.  Creating an account is free, and a 6-week free trials is always available.  Get more information at web.wincan.com

WinCan Web

Other Software

There are some other small applications that can be very useful for taking some of the pain out of repetitive operations on the data outside of WinCan VX.

  • Microsoft Excel – is the ‘go to’ standard software applications for working with spreadsheets.  Visit www.microsoft.com

  • DBF Manager – is a tool that is useful for reading (only) attribute data in .dbf files.  Go to www.dbfmanager.com for more details.

  • Database.NET – is also used for reading .dbf files but allows edits to be made with an understanding of SQL queries and is not as user-friendly as DBF Manager.  More information is available at www.fishcodelib.com

  • Bulk Rename Utility – is an online tool that is used for doing mass updates of filenames in the Windows environment.  For more information, visit www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk

  • QGIS – is a GIS software application that can be used to open and edit shapefiles, but there are no identified features in it which cannot also be done in WinCan Map VX.  Visit www.qgis.org

  • Free File Sync – is a useful tool for backing up and copying data between folders and drives in Windows, particularly between CCTV trucks and the office, but care should be taken with its use.  This is available at www.freefilesync.org

Warning - WinCan accepts no responsibility for the availability, charging arrangements or security of 3rd party software products available online.

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