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This page does not intend to cover the core options for printing reports in WinCan VX, but will highlight a number of special features that are particularly useful to HADDMS projects.

Node Dimensions

This is a new printed report introduced as an experimental feature in WinCan VX v12.1.

It uses a modified version of the Node Side View report to add some key dimensions to the output from the data in the project.

The standard default Node Side View report was modified in WinCan VX v11.0 to become dynamic and represent the node parts that are included for each node, so the image more closely represents the data rather than just a default static sketch which is how it was before this release. But, while the standard output has a dynamic image, it does not have any dimensions.

The new variant has the opposite characteristics, so has a static image (one of 4 available) but it does have the dimensions.

The report will work for all Drainage Assets that are gullies, catchpits, inspection chambers or manholes only and will also work in all other WRC standards as well as HADDMS.

Hint - if you are seeing an issue where you expect a node to print in this report and it doesn’t, please check your data - the ‘Asset Type’ must be a ‘Drainage Asset’ and the ‘Node Type’ must be one of the options listed above. If these conditions are not met then you will either get no report or a holding message on the page.

This is a data problem in your project, not a bug in the software.

We do not print this report for ‘Asset Type’ = Modelling Node or Region Item because this makes no sense.

The new report output looks something like this as an example with all 5 variants:

Dimensioned node side view report example.

From left to right, we have:

  1. An inspection chamber or manhole which has a taper part defined where the height of the taper is greater than zero.

  2. An inspection chamber or manhole where there is no taper defined or the height of the taper is zero or null.

  3. Any type of gully.

  4. The holding page where the output makes no sense and cannot be printed.

  5. A catchpit with or without a taper.

In all cases, the dimensions and values are only printed where they exist or are greater than zero. If the dimension is missing from your report, please review your data.

For the gully and the catchpit, the water level dimension is taken from the depth of the lowest outgoing connected pipe, so if your node has more than one outgoing pipe, it will always take the lowest.

For the gully, the dimension of the outgoing pipe is also taken from the lowest outgoing pipe, so if you have more than one outgoing pipe, it will take the lowest, not necessarily the largest or the X pipe. This logic drives consistency with the image and how it is represented with the water level.

In all cases, the cover level and invert level of the node are only printed when they are not null, so they can be negative or zero if these are their real values.

As stated previously, this is not the default printed Node Side View report. To activate this, you must select this option in the Node Side View reporting options:

Once selected and as with all printing options, WinCan VX will remember your choices the next time you come to use the printing panel.

Grading Report

This is a report that was popular with HADDMS contractors and clients in the days of WinCan v7. It has reproduced and improved here in WinCan VX to give the same results:

This report is a variant of the Project Summary report which is available here in the print settings:

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