v15.2 Hotfix Release Notes - 10th May 2024

Release notes - WinCan VX - 1.2023.15.2

Page Contents

New Requests

  • WVX-6784 Modify how Observations Inspections and Sections are Plotted in Map

  • WVX-7660 Upgrade or remove Cdlab.Core (csproj) (CDLAB.WinCanCOMM_V4) (nuget)

  • WVX-7661 Upgrade Cdlab.Net to Net standard (csproj) (BuildAll)

  • WVX-8184 Load plugins from plugin folder

  • WVX-8185 Make sure camera works in VX (to add photos from laptop camera)

  • WVX-8191 Remove all Thread.Abort() references

  • WVX-8221 Nuget - Preapre nuget for CDLAB.LaserScan.csproj

  • WVX-8508 OSD JT Kanda: Implementation of the values Pan and Rotate

  • WVX-8572 New service Tool for Ibak SoftControl

  • WVX-8724 4K PanoExplorer; Additional features needed

  • WVX-9006 New feature to add items to the rehab catalogue

  • WVX-9029 Validation Check Needed for Matching Catchment IDs

  • WVX-9085 VSA-DSS-2020 import implementation

  • WVX-9094 Share Custom Templates

  • WVX-9167 Fix automated test

  • WVX-9179 Elecard h.264 encoder: additional settings

  • WVX-9194 [MERGER] Abandoned inspections flag

  • WVX-9202 Interlis SIA405 2020 import implementation

  • WVX-9215 [Data Validator] Add New Option for ' String Contains' Check

  • WVX-9222 Please add support for Chamber Base coordinates in the Report Designer

  • WVX-9223 Add Subscription 2024 license

  • WVX-9230 Protouch: LightViewer starts with an error message

  • WVX-9232 Option to Flip the Flow Direction

  • WVX-9244 [GDMS 2024] Create License Slot for GDMS 2024 Standard

  • WVX-9245 [GDMS 2024] Create GDMS 2024 Catalogues and Template

  • WVX-9246 [GDMS 2024] Bulk Update UK L&L Files for GDMS 2024 Query

  • WVX-9247 [GDMS 2024] Licensing

  • WVX-9248 [GDMS 2024] Setup New Project Standard Config Files for GDMS 2024

  • WVX-9249 [GDMS 2024] Create Validation Files for GDMS 2024

  • WVX-9263 [Printing] Add cleaning report

  • WVX-9266 iPEK OSD: Show error message if the wrong device is selected

  • WVX-9268 [Map] Remove Web/Enterprise from Map

  • WVX-9276 Update UI on this Work Order Form

  • WVX-9297 Enterprise; New Assets, needs to be marked as To-Be-Inspected by default

  • WVX-9298 [Data Exchange] Enable Inspection and Observation Export to Enterprise

  • WVX-9312 Ibos DLL implementation

  • WVX-9323 Update Logos in Installer

  • WVX-9324 OSD free text option for hardware OSD's

  • WVX-9329 Option to Hide Date and Time from all Reports

  • WVX-9336 Automatic Renaming of Connected Laterals

  • WVX-9345 Desktop, Taskbar and Program File Menu Icons Update to New Logo

  • WVX-9346 Update VX Red Splash Screen Logos

  • WVX-9347 Update Map Green Splash Screen Logos

  • WVX-9348 Update VX Wallpaper Logo

  • WVX-9349 Update W Icons in VX

  • WVX-9351 Update W Icons in Map

  • WVX-9353 Dynamically use SECOBS/NODOBS target fields in catalogue column editor instead of mapping COL_ID_x

  • WVX-9355 New Database Fields Needed

  • WVX-9357 Update Desktop and Task Bar Icons All Desktop Applications

  • WVX-9360 List all endpoints used for web and enterprise connections in VX

  • WVX-9401 [Technical] Add metadata tables to VX database

  • WVX-9430 OSD: JT Kanda extensions

  • WVX-9434 Software OSD: Simplify the use of graphical objects

  • WVX-9440 Update imaging control and Elecard dlls on develop branch

  • WVX-9448 Add the Following Features to Subscription License 2024

  • WVX-9449 OSD: Left and right border for Project Bar in UI

  • WVX-9489 Interlis VSA-KEK 2020 Export Add P_Reference to Export

  • IP-4 Show 3D Live Status in the VX 3D Wizard

  • IP-15 Move Start/Cancel Measurement Buttons to Previous Screen

  • IP-101 Add Attribute Data to Wizard

  • IP-107 When OSD device is not selected in settings 3D measurement wizard should not be able to proceed

  • IP-124 User Does not Need to See Measurement PKs

  • IP-125 Modify 'Lateral Near By' Controls

  • IP-152 Lateral Near By Pop Up Improvements

  • IP-164 Send 3D Length of object to OBJ_Length at end of Measurement

  • IP-227 Before backward measurement we should NEVER calculate orientation from shape

  • IP-228 Do not ask for offset if start node is CON

  • IP-230 Add "Measurement is in progress." to status text when measurement is in progress.

  • IP-232 When user ends backward measurement and end node is not confirmed drift should be corrected

  • IP-241 Dialog after 3DMeasurment should always be shown at the End

  • IP-259 When entering lateral from section it should be possible to set camera preset

Bug Fixes

  • WVX-9356 System.NullReferenceException on an attempt to open an existing project

  • WVX-9363 An attempt to edit an existing section leads the VX to hang up.

  • WVX-9483 Report printing fails.

  • WVX-9517 Global issue with adding inspections and observations on current dev and RC

  • WVX-9530 Editing a section on page 2+, points to the 1st section of the 1st page after saving

  • WVX-9572 Rehab data entry does not work properly anymore

  • WVX-9586 "Draw Line" (of Map VX) stuck in "Processing data in WinCan VX" forever.

  • WVX-9591 [RC15.2] "Transfer to VX" from pipe layer (biel_haltung) ends with a Thread Exception

  • WVX-8225 Fix - Loading plugins

  • WVX-8279 [Technical] fix winforms designers for VS2022

  • WVX-8591 Duplicate OBJ_Key when changing NODE.OBJ_Type during lateral creation

  • WVX-8596 Remove Windows service from ServiceHost installer and from ServiceHostCode (ServiceInstaller class)

  • WVX-8598 3D module sometimes stops refreshing its view

  • WVX-8669 PostOSD - Cannot process 1080 videos - Could not start the pipeline

  • WVX-8747 WinCan 3D Rausch Latras does not work

  • WVX-8748 RibX: Time format is wrong (<ABG> / <CBG>)

  • WVX-8751 Belgium (Netherlands); XML import blocked due to empty TAGS

  • WVX-8757 Issues with some reports (Section Inspection) after updating List&Label to version 28

  • WVX-8766 Template Value Transfer Does Not Consider Object Type

  • WVX-8789 Custom Category Colours Do Not Work

  • WVX-8802 GStreamer - issue with playback Video

  • WVX-8811 Photo assistant. Wrong camera type selected on laterals

  • WVX-8835 Ribbon Bar Update

  • WVX-8894 [Technical] Observation which ends/abandons inspection sends messages before saving things in dbcontext

  • WVX-8904 [3D measurement] Support feet in 3d devices and coordinate systems

  • WVX-8906 3D Measurement Starts in the Wrong Place

  • WVX-8919 When 3d is in progress, switching sections or tabs in VX should be disabled

  • WVX-8997 Draw Panel Does not Show Objects with Zero Coordinates

  • WVX-9001 {Rehab] DA11 Export Adjustments

  • WVX-9002 Wrong order for manhole in ring laser module

  • WVX-9003 Geiger: Only status "Fertig von KL" must update the POS_EndDate

  • WVX-9024 Error Data Export for Isybau

  • WVX-9035 Project link not included when downloaded to VX

  • WVX-9043 Export (NL; RibX) and navigation problems in sections with more than one videoclip

  • WVX-9071 Not all formulas and formatting work on the work order installation template

  • WVX-9097 Data Exchange - import fails for case-sensitive duplicates of WorkOrder and Project fields.

  • WVX-9101 Map Shift Tool Behaviour Often Upsets Users

  • WVX-9112 Map Section Wizard does not Consider Autonaming

  • WVX-9113 Problems with New Layers in Map

  • WVX-9114 Map Export Clip Extents Fails

  • WVX-9117 Default settings of restore backup in VX

  • WVX-9126 Map WinCan Buttons are Active when VX is not Connected or non-WinCan layer is Active

  • WVX-9128 [Map] Delete shape does not work in WinCan Map

  • WVX-9135 Ibak SoftControl: Recording fails, if no video profile is configured

  • WVX-9140 Flybotix drone project- media are missing after the import

  • WVX-9141 Inspections Combobox does not show current inspection at nodes

  • WVX-9170 VX crashed; Event Viewer showed System.AccessViolationException

  • WVX-9171 WinCan VX - Web login/settings moving behind previous window

  • WVX-9177 Export error Isybau 2006/2013/2017

  • WVX-9180 Draw VX is not saving Fill Style for object in Image format

  • WVX-9184 [Merger] Error on SqlServer CopyDuplicatedDataOnly

  • WVX-9185 Map User Settings are Not Included in the VX Backup File

  • WVX-9187 [Measurement 3D] Simple 3D device should work again

  • WVX-9192 "Photo Resizing" button always greyed out unavailable

  • WVX-9198 [MERGER] Merging the WO several times fails in automatic merge mode

  • WVX-9207 Drone import imports nothing even though it says it was successful

  • WVX-9209 Follow up ticket - Rehab overview: Decimals are not correct

  • WVX-9212 Abandoned Inspections should have no score/grade

  • WVX-9214 Unable to Open this Project

  • WVX-9216 VX should be able to log the user out of Web after certain period

  • WVX-9217 System.NullReferenceException on an attempt to delete a document

  • WVX-9218 Inspection multiple videos; Playback of additional videos makes VX jumps through Misc observations

  • WVX-9219 Add PROJECT Table to Excel Import Context

  • WVX-9225 Upload to enterprise fails - Restart of the VX is needed

  • WVX-9229 Update POINT () to MULTIPOINT () WKT on Project Load of Projects from Older Versions of VX

  • WVX-9233 Data Exchange - PACP 7 Export - Not Including MH measurements (Grade to invert/Rim to Invert)

  • WVX-9236 Delete invoice does not complete delete the invoice record

  • WVX-9237 Invoice document export tool: New options needed

  • WVX-9238 Invalid character Validation when uploading to Web from VX

  • WVX-9240 Shape Export from Map does not contain coordinates

  • WVX-9251 [MAP] GIS_LENGTH field is incorrect if points in shape are very dense

  • WVX-9252 Map VX - Cannot modify the mappings xml after created

  • WVX-9254 Missing icon in validation rule settings

  • WVX-9262 Splash Screen Behind VX at Start Up

  • WVX-9264 [Map] Cannot import objects from shape files into VX

  • WVX-9265 Auto Lateral Creator Creates Objects with Duplicate Keys when Autonaming is Not Set

  • WVX-9267 [Enterprise] Once downloaded WO is never updated

  • WVX-9269 Copy tool copies cleaning inspection as TV inspection

  • WVX-9272 TV4 deformation export is showing distance in mm instead of M

  • WVX-9273 Existing Picture is overwritten without a message from CleverScan

  • WVX-9274 Pulldown list for OBJ_SectionType showing wrong after restarting software and loading project again

  • WVX-9275 With WinCan version 15.0, the rehabilitation information is not displayed in Map

  • WVX-9282 Not Possible to Create new Section

  • WVX-9283 [Release Test] VX crash - System.AccessViolationException

  • WVX-9289 CLONE - WinCan Web - merge projects failure

  • WVX-9293 [Release Test] Going to "Nodes" tab in a particular SQL project ends with double NullReferenceException.

  • WVX-9294 Section inspection printing, keeps on restarting at section #1

  • WVX-9299 3D does not work with iPEK and Software OSD

  • WVX-9300 Sections tab and Laterals tab share user filter but it should be different for each of them

  • WVX-9301 [Release Test] Update to 15.1 clears the project's list.

  • WVX-9307 [Release Test] On uninstall «File "C:Program Files (x86)CDLABWinCanMergerunins000.dat" does not exist.» is shown.

  • WVX-9314 Changing downstream node of lateral causes data inconsistency

  • WVX-9315 New Merger - Sql Server as temporary database Follow Up

  • WVX-9316 New Merger - Logs Level and Progress

  • WVX-9318 Project opening works wrong

  • WVX-9319 Project Fails on Various VX Actions

  • WVX-9320 Node names are not shown anymore

  • WVX-9333 Rehab catalogues are not updated in WinCan Web

  • WVX-9335 Export Error Isybau 2013 in OBJ_Complex_Shape when WKT is Polygon

  • WVX-9338 CSV Import for Multipoint

  • WVX-9339 OBJ_Usage and OBJ_SectionType must be updated automatically

  • WVX-9340 Swiss Interlis Data Exchange: OBJ_SectionType and OBJ_Usage must be translated during import and export

  • WVX-9342 VX crashed after 3D Measurement

  • WVX-9354 [Maps] splash screen - text in wrong place

  • WVX-9359 VX freezes when saving sections

  • WVX-9367 [Laser Scan] About menu throws an exception

  • WVX-9368 VX Always Creates a Cleaning Inspection

  • WVX-9369 Thread exception "Instance property 'STA_Method' is not defined" on deleting a section

  • WVX-9372 Issue with Light Editor

  • WVX-9386 DanDas Data Exchange Edits

  • WVX-9387 Rapport Number Doesn't Auto Populate on Load

  • WVX-9388 Projects downloaded from Web can't be opened in VX

  • WVX-9390 Rapport Number Doesn't work on Nodes

  • WVX-9391 Antal Dok Export Count Incorrectly Calculated

  • WVX-9392 DanDas Export User File Names Incorrectly Handled

  • WVX-9393 DanDas Export User File Name Not Handled Correctly

  • WVX-9396 Do Not Export or Print Objects that are Not Inspected or Have been Aborted by Field

  • WVX-9405 [Printing] Combined Inspections Should Not Be Included in Summery Reports

  • WVX-9414 WinCan issue with the OSD, "Error in Line 4"

  • WVX-9425 Data Exchange - PACP7 - Wrong fields being exported -Easting, Northing, Elevation

  • WVX-9426 New Merger - Sqlite Exception 'no such table: SECTION_MD' - while the table exists

  • WVX-9441 Some images in 3D Measurement wizard are lost or wrong.

  • WVX-9443 WinCanVXTemplateClt.exe should itself create the WCSYS_TYPE.xml file during the GenerateXml action

  • WVX-9445 Light Viewer - unhandled exception

  • WVX-9450 Unable to open VX project

  • WVX-9455 Exception when opening project

  • WVX-9460 Restoring settings causes a message box to be under splash screen

  • WVX-9461 Translations Not Working Correctly.

  • WVX-9481 [Map] Some projects have no sections visible when opened

  • WVX-9498 Observations disappear when using next button in section data window

  • WVX-9499 There is no macro in current default installation

  • WVX-9503 [New Merger] When selecting a template, names are hashed

  • WVX-9516 Multi-Inspection, observation entry dialog; Adding/Editing observations, changes current inspection

  • WVX-9526 Issue with printing Lateral inspection Landscape and Rehab reports

  • WVX-9527 Fatal Exception When Adding a Node to a Section

  • WVX-9528 3D Measurement Validation Doesn't Work

  • WVX-9529 Observation Layout Options Not Working

  • WVX-9538 Interlis Export: Panoramo files are not imported and exported anymore

  • WVX-9539 VSA-KEK 2020 changes

  • WVX-9540 Data export, Interlis_SIA-2020; test with version 1.2023.15.2.275 (DEV)

  • WVX-9544 Sometimes section shape is not overwritten after the 3D measurement

  • WVX-9546 Service Host does not do the merge

  • WVX-9553 During 3D measurement the VX crashed. I used “WinCan - Simple 3D”.

  • WVX-9556 NullReferenceException on "Validate Project" if there is no regular validation file set up

  • WVX-9564 Incorrect Handling of CONs on German Import

  • WVX-9567 [Map VX] “Transfer to WinCan” from point layer does not create manholes in the VX.

  • WVX-9575 VSA-KEK 2020 Import Doesn't Work Without Media Option

  • WVX-9581 [Map VX] Sections created by “Transfer to WinCan” from line layer have no nodes connected to them

  • WVX-9602 DWA M 150 import fails if node objects have more than one GO

  • WVX-9613 [Web] Paginate list of projects using Web Api

  • WVX-9614 It's possible to add observations for DDMS and GDMS projects opened in Viewer mode

  • WVX-9616 [Release Test] On the first opening of the attached project by 15.2 a "Database integrity is lost" is shown while 15.0 didn't complain.

  • WVX-9627 Bad Ribbon Bar Icons

  • WVX-9635 Cleaning Summary Report has UI Issue

  • WVX-9549 DDMS Import has Too Many Observations

  • IP-14 Wizard Hint to Put the Camera to Horizontal Central Position Before Lateral Entrance

  • IP-32 Set Node Offset and Camera Preset Automatically when Measurement Follows a Previous Measurement

  • IP-106 backward lateral measurement with upstream insertion node tries to execute lateral entrance procedure

  • IP-108 Start node has no coordinates message is displayed even when it has coords

  • IP-122 When a 3d ends and we want to do the same again, the direction of measurement is proposed instead of direction of the pipe

  • IP-143 Auto Create Laterals Should be Blocked if No Naming Pattern is Set

  • IP-149 If section is changed in VX, reset wizard to first step

  • IP-157 [Technical][Performance] Reduce the number of points from measurement copied into section shape

  • IP-158 [Technical] Reduce unnecessary calls in 3D Measurement wizards

  • IP-166 Bad Results if the CON is not at the Same Coordinates as the Obs Code

  • IP-171 Measurement Not Visible when the Lateral is Not Connected to the Section

  • IP-172 Measurement Selection Window Redesign

  • IP-175 AP-RAP Should Always be Flat at NODs

  • IP-179 upstream offset is rotated and scaled after 3d measurement is completed

  • IP-198 "lateral nearby" popups up multiple times for single observation

  • IP-203 After 3D measurement start the text to press Start should disappear.

  • IP-207 "Start node has no corrdinates" despite the database showed the node had coordinates.

  • IP-221 3D Measurement winows – wrong image in "Set offset and camera preset" setting.

  • IP-225 abandon measurement and select plot manhole automatically. Then node is at wrong place

  • IP-229 Picture of upper node of lateral is wrong

  • IP-235 Cannot open 3D because of Zoom exception

  • IP-236 RAP-AP is in the Wrong Place

  • IP-239 Apply Measurement as section shape button doesn't consider abandon flag

  • IP-246 AP-RAP distance for lateral is not perpendicular to the main section

  • IP-247 Apply Shape is Incorrect on Downstream Forwards Measurements

  • IP-250 Simplifying shape removes vertical segments

  • IP-251 Offset panel should always be visible if node is not a CON

  • IP-252 With some languages not all values are visible

  • IP-254 There is no SMP of point drawn at the end of 3d meas

  • IP-256 When doing 3d measurement offsets are not considered

  • IP-260 [Release test] when doing first measurement of a pipe, camera preset is not considered

  • IP-261 direction panel is messed up when there are no validation warnings in the first pipe we try to measure

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