




Distribution of Project Data via WinCan CLOUD

Version: 2.2
Date: 02.10.2024



WinCan-WEB is a cloud-based service provided by the company CDLab (WinCan, Switzerland) in collaboration with a local professional web hosting company.
This new service allows the CCTV-companies to upload their survey data to a host server, where it can be downloaded from at any time and on any spot on the world by an end customer. So this procedure is able to fully replace the sending of survey data as paper reports or as a batch of DVDs.
The following documentation describes, how users can upload and download WinCanVX-projects via WinCan-WEB and how specific project links can be sent directly to their end customers (e.g. engineer offices).

Create an account

In order to be able to upload and download projects you must create your own account launching your web browser and typing the address http://web.wincan.com. The main screen of WinCan-Web then tells you to either sign in with an existing user account or to register as a new user:

Registration (1) as a new user requires the following information:

  • Name of the company (case sensitive)

  • Personal e-mail address (case sensitive)

  • Personal password (case sensitive)

Your registration will then be confirmed automatically via e-mail. Registration will give you the right for 45 days to use 25 GByte of server disk space for free and to create different sub-user levels.
In addition WinCan-WEB provides three user levels, which must be managed by CDLab:

  1. Software company (i.e. CDLab, Switzerland)

  2. CCTV-company

  3. End user (civil engineers, local water authorities etc.)

Check your profile

Once your account has been registered, you can directly type username and password and hit the button Login to open your personal web space. Select the category Account settings and hit the tab Profile (1) in order to check the properties of your user profile:

Activate the Edit mode inside the sub-category User Profile (1) in order to change the logo to be displayed on your personal web space.
Go the sub-category Settings and activate the Edit mode (2) in order to change the language for the texts shown on the WinCan WEB platform. In addition you may exclude some folders (3) from the upload procedure. Finally hit the button Save (4) to confirm your changes.

Define and manage user groups for your company

In case several operators will be working either on different projects or together on the same project, it may be useful to create user groups (1) and to assign the corresponding operator accounts (2) to one specific group (3):

All uploaded projects are listed then on the central part of the panel above. Highlight the user group (3) and select those projects (4), that are meant to be updated and uploaded stepwise by different operators over a certain period of time.

Any operator being a part of that user group will be able from now to work on a project and to upload it, even if another user has already uploaded a part of the same project before.

Check the disk space reserved for your profile

Hit the tab Account right to the tab Profile and select the button Upgrade (1) in order to upgrade to a larger storage package if ever needed:

There are currently seven different storage packages CDLab can provide for customers that want to upload their projects to WinCan-WEB:

If you select the cheapest storage package, 25 GByte of disk space on the HOST-server are then going to be reserved for your account, which would be sufficient for up to 10 small projects.
Further details about prices and payment conditions can be obtained from the administrative department of CDLab (mailto: sales@wincan.com) or from your local reseller.

Upload and view projects with the WEB Viewer

At the beginning your personal account is showing an empty list in WinCan-Web. In order to upload a project, open it in WinCanVX and hit the command Tools > Manage Web Projects > Upload Current project (1):

The panel that follows shows the status of the process in the progress bar. Besides that it provides you a list of all available projects on the local hard drive (1) and those which have already been uploaded (2).

So it’s possible for you to manage your personal web space directly in WinCanVX. Use the button Log in/Log out (4) to enter the profil data of your personal web space.

Once finished you are informed via e-mail the project has been successfully uploaded to your personal web space.

Please mind the following technical issues regarding the WinCan-Web uploader:

  • When working on a large project, you may always upload the latest version of the same project: there's a built-in intelligence in the uploader that replaces the old project database by the new one and just adds the media files, which have not yet been uploaded.

  • It is possible to continue working on a large project, while its upload is in progress.

  • If the Internet connection is cut for any reason, the upload won't be resumed automatically. So you must retry to upload the same project later on.

  • Uploaded video clips are first converted into the format MPEG4 and then copied into the sub-folder \Video\Sec\Web. If the conversion is not terminated, the video clip will not yet be ready for play back. So just be patient and try again later.

As a next step you may check whether the project data are available and can be viewed from your personal web space without any problems. After you have signed in with your account you see a list of projects that have already been uploaded. The same project list is also shown when hitting the Home icon (1).

Simply click on the desired project in the list (2) in order to have the section, inspection and observation data shown directly in the Web-Viewer.

Hit the Action button (3) to the right of the list and select the command Browse (4) to grab for specific pictures and video clips in the corresponding project sub-folders or click on Delete (4) in order to delete the whole project form your personal web space.
Click on the Link icon (5) and manage the links to the selected project. You can create (5a) and edit (5b) new links to the same project, set an expiration date for each link (5b) and finally send it to the receiver (5c).
Make sure the option Allow Download is checked so the end customer will be able to download the project from WinCan-Web.

The Web-Viewer opens the projects in a similar way as if it would be shown in WinCanVX. Simply browse throught the list of inspected objects (i.e. sections, laterals and nodes (1)) and have a look at the corresponding observations displayed in the table below (2).

As soon as you highlight the desired object (1a) the corresponding video clip is played back automatically. Click on the Action button (3) and select the command Section details in order to view the section and inspection data entered by the operator.

Hovering with the mous pointer over a specific photo icon directly shows the picture preview (4); clicking on the photo icon on the other hand opens the original picture size in a separate panel.

To quit the Web-Viewer and to get back to the list of the uploaded projects click on the link Home (5).

The button Project located at the top of the Web-Viewer interface opens a panel that provides general information about the project (1), a direct access to specific project documents (PDF reports, pictures (2)) as well three download possibilities (3):

Mind that the Web-Viewer is unable to show inclination curves, Map data or pipe and manhole scans. In order you can view these kind of data you will have to download the project as a ZIP file and open it in WinCanVX.

A short description for each download possibility (3) is shown in a direct help box as soon as you hover with the mouse pointer over the corresponding command button.

Download and view projects with the LightViewer

Hitting the command Download by LightViewer creates a package providing the project together with the LightViewer application. After the download you simply have to unzip the file and double-click on the LightViewer icon (4). The data finally are shown as illustrated below:

Download and view projects with WinCanVX

You may also download the project directly to your local hard drive as a ZIP file or use a specific application that controls the download procedure. Next proceed as follows in order to view the project data:

  • Go to www.wincan.com > Downloads

  • Download the latest productive version of WinCanVX

  • Double-click on the file WinCanVX_SETUP and confirm all the installation steps.

  • Unzip the project.

  • Double-click on the WinCanVX desktop icon to launch the software in the Viewer mode

  • Hit the command Project > Open Project (1).

  • Browse for the sub-folder DB, select the project database (2) and click on the button Open (3) to show the data in WinCanVX:

Send project links to end customers

In order to make uploaded projects accessible for end customers, run WinCanVX and hit the command Tools>Manage Web Projects>Manage Web Projects:

Switch to the tab On Web and VX in the dialogue box that follows (2), select the desired project from the list of recently uploaded projects and hit the paper clip icon (3) in order to create a corresponding link:

The dialogue that follows asks you to create a link (4), set an expiration date (5) and finally send it to the receiver (i.e. e-mail address of the end customer (6)).

Make sure the option Allow Download is checked so the end customer will be able to download the project from WinCan-Web.

Direct access to projects via guest account

The end customer himself is informed immediately via e-mail that he will be able to access the project data from now using the Web-Viewer:

When clicking on the corresponding link, he is automatically signed in on the WinCan WEB platform with a GUEST-account, that just allows him to browse through that specific project and to download it to his local computer (1):



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