10d_WinCan Enterprise_QuickGuide_EN

10d_WinCan Enterprise_QuickGuide_EN






Centralized Project Management, Update and Distribution via WinCan CLOUD



The WinCan Web cloud service can be extended to include the additional Enterprise mode in the future. End users however will still have lots of questions regarding the area of ​​application, data organization and management as well as license requirements.

The following article is intended to provide short and understandable answers.

The current situation

Survey data entry, administration and maintenance planning for sewer system objects (i.e. sections, laterals, manholes) always implies a risk of a certain data loss due to the following reasons:

  • Project data processing and administration is done on different work stations and data are stored on different drives (local hard drives, network drives, removable drives).

  • Different inspection companies work on the same sewer object on different times.

  • The client (owner of the sewer network) engages different managers for control and administration of the jobs to be done on different sewer objects.


The new concept

The cloud-based solution provided by the project management platform WinCan Enterprise should close such information gaps, as owners and managers can directly provide geo-referenced data of the corresponding sewer network to the inspection company. This cartographic basis can then be used for maintenance planning (i.e. cleaning, survey, rehabilitation).

Each participant (client, manager, contractor) can access the updated job status of each sewer object and thus always gets an updated overview of the maintenance state (i.e. cleaned, inspected, repaired) for the whole pipeline network at any time.

Sending data on physical drives from different sources and thus increasing the risk of data loss, will be significantly minimized.


The following licenses are needed to make full use of the Enterprise mode as a part of WinCan Web:

  • WinCan Web: valid account with the license modes Flex and Enterprise activated

  • WinCan VX: valid EXPERT license package (slot 1523) with Enterprise mode (slot 4005) and Service Pack 2022 activated (slot 1512)

Project participants

The role of project participants is especially important when working WinCan Enterprise. Clients managers and contractors must be aware of their responsabilities and thus know who would have to provide which kind of data. The different roles are briefly described below:

CLIENT: this participant (e.g. city, municipality, private or public infrastructure operators like railway associations) usually owns and manages the data in a geographic information system (GIS). He thus must provide the data in the file format SHAPE (i.e. as SHAPE files)

MANAGER: this participant (e.g. engineer office etc.) is usually responsible for the project management. He takes the data of the client and forwards the job to the survey company. He thus must acts as an intermediant between CLIENT and CONTRACTOR

CONTRACTOR: this participant (e.g. survey company) is always responsible for the execution of the survey job and is thus equipped with specific camera systems.


Important note:

The participant MANAGER may be missing in some cases, so that this role is either taken by the CLIENT or by the CONTRACTOR:

  • If the CLIENT has got the role of the MANAGER, he must purchase the Enterprise mode for WinCan WEB

  • If the CONTRACTOR has got the role of the MANAGER, he must purchase the Enterprise mode for WinCan WEB


Work Flow

Checking geo-referenced data (SHAPE files) for sewer objects (sections and manholes)

The corresponding layers for sections and manholes must be based on a valid cooordinate system (e.g. EPSG=2056). If this is not the case, you will first have to import the SHAPE files into WinCan Map and export the corresponding layers again running the command Layer > Export. The matching coordinate system can then be set in the dialogue box that follows.

Creating a master project, based on geo-referenced data (SHAPE files)

Run WinCan Web (web.wincan.com) and log-in with a valid account.

Switch to the Enterprise mode and create a new master project based on the geographic data you checked before. A wizard is going to guide you through the whole process:


Enterprise automatically filters the coordinate systems which are valid for your country/region and shows them in a list field.

The client (owner of the sewer network) as well as the contractor (inspection company) can create a master project and thus manage different job types (e.g. cleaning, inspection, repairing).

Creating a job in WinCan Web

The previously created master project will act as a data hub where you create, check and manage future jobs (cleaning/flushing, TV inspection, Rehabilitation).

  • Select the desired sewer objects directly on the map

  • Hit the button Create Job

  • Click on the icon Inspections Manager: The new job then appears in the queue (status column To Do):

Doing the job in WinCan VX

  • Run WinCanVX and hit the command button Enterprise > Synchronize.

  • The job you have created in WinCan Web is now downloaded on the local hard drive as a new project and automatically appears in the project list.

  • Open the project and start the section survey.

  • Hit the button Send as soon as you have finished the surveys for all sections.

Checking the state of the job in WinCan Web

Sent projects or jobs are going to be uploaded to the CLOUD and the corresponding job status is shown in WinCan Enterprise. Proceed as follows, to complete the job in WinCan Web:

  • Click on the icon Inspections Manager: The new job then appears in the status column Ready to Review.

  • Hit the button Approve inside the corresponding job to check the survey data.

  • Activate the check box for each inspection within the column Approve to complete the review.

The job is finally merged to the master database and appears in the column Completed. Mind that you cannot undo this step as the job status Completed cannot be changed.

If you notice too late that a survey job must be repeated due to quality faults, select the same sewer objects again on the map and create a new project/job.


Creating a Work Order


  1. Login to Web.wincan.com

  2. Click the Squares in the top left corner

  3. Enterprise

  4. Click Map

  5. Job Management

  6. Select your Selection Method  (Pencil Icon on the right)

  7. Click Enable Selection (option Under the pencil Icon  - It will turn red when enabled)

  8. Highlight the Lines you want to create within a Work Order

  9. Click Create Work Order in the bottom left corner

  10. Optionally, Give the WO a name

  11. Select if this is a TV Inspection or a Cleaning Inspection

  12. Select an operator  to assign it to or Leave it unassigned

  13. Click Create





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