Using the WinCan VX Light Viewer

Using the WinCan VX Light Viewer

This page contains data navigation information for customers who have received a WinCan VX Light Viewer product from a contractor and tips on how to get the most out of the WinCan VX Light Viewer application.

The WinCan VX Light Viewer application is only available as an exported media distribution option from WinCan VX and not from WinCan v8 or earlier.

Using the Light Viewer Application

To launch the WinCan VX Light Viewer application from your data file, double click on the LightViewer.exe file as described in the section below. Ths first thing you will see will be something like this:

First launch Light Viewer.

Followed by this when you select a pipe or a manhole in the user interface:

Light Viewer navigation.

The points shown are:

  1. Select Sections, Laterals or Nodes to view.

  2. Chose an asset to view the inspection data.

  3. Review the video footage.

  4. Where an asset has more than one inspection, select the inspection you wish to review here.

  5. Use the video controls to play, pause, stop and view information for the video file currently loaded.

  6. See the inspection observations here.

    1. Click on an observation code to make the video jump to that location and filter the photos on the right to the photos that are linked to the selected observation code.

  7. Check out the printed report here.

  8. Use the controls:

    1. The three controls on the right to zoom in, zoom out or restore zoom for the report window.

    2. The print icon will launch the file in your default PDF viewer from where you can send it to a printing machine of your choice.

    3. The drop down list by default shows (User Reports) - this is an individual report for the currently selected inspection. Any other options in this drop down list are PDF files that have been created by the contractor and attached to the project.

  9. See the inspection photos here with the observation text and their distance.

    1. Click on a photo to view it full screen. Click the cross top-right to close the large scale view.

    2. Click on a distance value above a photo in blue with an underscore to make the video jump to that position and observation.

Folder Structure

It is common for users to want to locate media and other types of files from the distributed WinCan Viewer folder, so here is the standard folder structure to help you find what you are looking for. Items shown in grey text are WinCan system files which should not be considered during data interrogation:

  • [yyyyDDmm.n] → Parent folder showing the date that the distribution was made and the number counter of the distribution made on the user’s PC on that day.

    • [Parent Folder].index.txt → A text file that contains the folder location and some selected useful information about every file that has been recorded in this export.

    • DISK1 to DISKn → A folder for each disk exported in the distribution process as defined by the user’s settings when the export was created.

      • [Parent Folder].index.txt → A text file that contains the folder location and some selected useful information about every file that has been recorded in the export for this disk.

      • App_Data → System folder.

      • DISKn → System file.

      • AUTORUN.INF → System file.

      • Favicon.ico → Application icon image.

      • LightViewer.exe → The WinCan Light Viewer application that displays the project. Double click this file to launch the Viewer on your PC.

      • Projects → A folder that contains all of the WinCan projects that have been included in this distribution.

        • [Project 1] → [Project n]

          • DB → Contains the WinCan VX database files for the current project.

          • Misc → Contains a number of sub folders with miscellaneous files relating to the project.

            • Backup → Previous database versions.

            • Docu → Documents created by the user for the project including PDF inspection reports and Excel files created from the Report Generator.

            • Exchange → Contains any data exchange export files and media that have been created by the contractor, where the date/time stamp on the sub folder represents the date/time that the contractor created the export data files.

            • Logo → Contains any participant logo files that have been applied to the project by the operator.

            • Report → System folder relating to printing.

            • Transfer → System folder relating to the Service Host.

            • Validation → Contains any validation log files created by the contractor.

          • Module → Contains a number of folders relating to specified applications included inside WinCan VX, including CleverScan, Scan Explorer and others.

          • Picture → Contains all of the photos used in the project.

            • Nod → Photos for nodes.

            • Project → Photos used in the Project Pictures area of WinCan VX.

            • Sec → Photos for sections and laterals.

          • Trash → Contains a complete replication of the project folder structure where any items that have been deleted in WinCan VX are stored, so that they can be restored if needed.

          • Video → Contains all of the videos used in the project.

            • Nod → Videos for nodes.

            • Sec → Videos for sections and laterals.

          • WinCanVX → System folder.

      • System → System folder.

Example folder structure for a Light Viewer project.

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