How to use Enterprise in Wincan VX

How to use Enterprise in Wincan VX


 How to download an Enterprise Work Order to WinCan VX


  1. In WinCan VX (version 2022.14.0.0 or later) go to Enterprise tab

  2. Press Enterprise view

  3. Your default browser will open, where you will need to log in to your Enterprise account

  4. Select Your Master Project from the list

  5. Work Orders are divided into three sections: In Progress, To Do and Submitted. Open one of the sections and click on the work order you want to download.



 How to upload a completed Work Order


  1. Right click on the work order you want to upload

  2. Select move to submitted


  3. Go to Submitted tab

  4. Right click on the work order and select Upload media

  5. Wait untill the Progress bar reaches 100%

  6. Then click on upload media

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