Miscellaneous Tools

Miscellaneous Tools

General Program and Project Management Tools

Besides the basic features that have been described in the previous chapters, WinCan VX provides a couple of additional project and database edition tools which are located under the tabs Tools and Edit. The following pages give a short description for each command button.

The descriptions of frequently used commands are marked in bold letters:

  1. Detect OP-Codes for laterals and create a lateral which is linked to the section at the corresponding position.

  2. Create a lateral for each manhole entry (inlet and outlet)

  3. Merge two abandoned inspections for the same section into one single inspection

  4. Insert a new manhole into an existing section and split it into two separate sections

  5. Calculate the altitude of the manhole bottom above sea level (important for WinCan 3D)

  6. Attach an inspection of a specific section to another section

  7. Run the tool WinCan Validator to check the validity of your project data: the validator lists all errors / conflicts the user must resolve prior to a data export.

  8. Upload projects to your workspace on the WinCan Web CLOUD and manage project uploads

  9. Attach documents (PDF, JPEG, PNG) to the current project. The corresponding files will automatically be copied into the project sub-folder \Misc\Docu.

  10. Show all inspected sections (that contain at least one observation).

  11. Filter tools. See next chapters for more details

  12. Search/Replace command. See next chapters for more details

  13. Create a backup of the current program settings. The backup file will automatically be saved into the folder C:\Users\PublicDocuments\VXBackup.

  14. Restore program settings based on an existing backup file (e.g. after reinstallation of WinCan VX on a new computer)

  15. Create a backup copy of the current project.

  16. Launch a TeamViewer session for quick trouble shooting via remote access to your computer by a support team member.

  17. Get direct access to important system directories as well as to diagnosis tools (e.g. DebugMonitor) in order to get specific error log files.

Database Edition Tools

The descriptions of frequently used commands are marked in bold letters:


1.) Clear existing object coordinates for sections and laterals (i.e. start and end point coordinates). When reopening Map the missing coordinate values are recalculated from the corresponding node coordinates (important for Map and WinCan 3D)

2.) Recalculate or export inclination data of the current section

3.) Link sections to the corresponding upstream/downstream manholes without any gap in between (important for WinCan 3D).

4.) Sort sections in ascending or descending order and re-initialize the sort order number. See next chapters for more details.

5.) Re-initialize the sort order numbers without sorting the records.

6.) Transfer section or manhole data from the previous into the current record.

7.) Run a search over all sections inside the current project, find empty inspections (without observations) and delete them.

8.) Delete unnecessary decimal places in certain value fields

9.) Assign a section inspection to the desired job

10.) Find duplicated records in the current project, especially after merging several source projects into a target project. Sections with the same section name and the same upstream/downstream manhole names are recognized as duplicates and can be deleted. Always create a backup copy of your project before you run this command!

11.) Run a search over all sections inside the current project and sort multiple inspections in descending order by the corresponding inspection date.

12.) Command used by Austrian customers only.

13.) Rename video and photo file names using either country specific templates or customized field combinations.

Hit this command button in order to apply a selected media naming template step by step to the corresponding object group (i.e. section, laterals or manholes) or to all objects at once.


If the previously defined field combination does not generate unique file names, some video clips and photos will not be renamed and thus not overwritten.

Simply modify the media name template accordingly under Home > Settings > Media Renaming and run the renaming procedure again.

14.) Open the dialogue box to customize the default symbols for manholes or connection points on the inspection report page: assign the same text to the desired icon, that you already typed into the upstream and downstream field of the section data input mask.


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