Creating Sections and Inspections

Creating Sections and Inspections

Creating Sections & Inspections

The project data in WinCan VX shows section, satellite and manhole data on the one hand and their inspection and observation data on the other. For data entry, the user can switch from a grid view (summary view) to an entry view within each category:

Click on the PLUS-button in the symbol bar at the bottom right hand corner of the section panel (1) to create a new section or use the context menu command New. The subsequent entry view then allows you to type in all section and inspection data required by the currently applied standard (3). Change from one field to the next pushing either the TAB key on your keyboard or the left mouse key. Some fields contain predefined lists (e.g. material) or input formats (e.g. inspection date) to make data entry easier.

To open an existing section directly in the entry view double click on the preferred section line (2). Finally click on the diskette button at the bottom right hand corner of the input mask to save your changes and to return to the summary view.

Sections are deleted from the summary view with the button at the bottom right hand corner of the section panel or via the context menu command delete (4).
The default field colours in the input mask are set to BLUE (section fields) or RED (inspection and observation fields) respectively. YELLOW coloured fields are so-called mandatory fields that require data entry. Use the command Home > Settings > General > Colours to select the field colours you prefer to work with.

Multiple Inspections

Basically sections, satellites and manholes can in be inspected several times and the relevant master data do NOT need to be re-entered for subsequent surveys.
First highlight the section where a repeat survey needs to be carried out and hit the corresponding button in the symbol bar (1) to directly assign a new inspection to the selected section. In the dialogue box that follows this option is already activated by default and only needs to be confirmed yet with the green OK-button (2):

A repeat survey can be one in the same direction as the original, or the opposite direction. Most of the section header information will remain the same for each survey, with the only likely changes to be date and time (WinCan VX will do this automatically) and survey direction (this will be auto-entered based on the user's selections).

Once several inspections have been assigned to a specific section they can also be selected from a list box (3) located at the bottom left corner of the section overview panel. Furthermore a magnifier symbol is set in a separate column (4) to mark all the sections with more than one survey.

Inspections basically must be deleted within the input mask where they are listed in a table below the inspection data. Click on the inspection to be deleted and hit the TRASH-button:

It is possible to add as many inspections as necessary to the same section where each inspection is created for a specific purpose as shown in the possible example below:

  • Inspection 1: Standard survey for basic pipe damage recording. It is automatically created together with a new object (main section, lateral section or manhole) as soon as the user opens the data entry panel.

  • Inspection 2: Pipe condition survey after rehabilitation (rehabilitation survey).

  • Inspection 3: Pipe condition survey after a given period (e.g. 5 years)…

Note1 on Multiple Surveys:
This working strategy is especially used by large (water) authorities which are managing their survey data via a central database (SQL or ORACLE).
Private pipe survey companies on the other hand usually re-enter all the section and survey data into an empty project when inspecting the same pipe section after a given time period, and thus will always have just one inspection assigned to each section.


Note 2 on Multiple Surveys:
Users who are familiar with previous versions of WinCan are likely to be used to creating new survey sections each time they have to resurvey a pipe for any reason. Operators are encouraged to use this new system in WinCan VX.

Merging Abandonded Inspections

If the camera is unable to pass through the pipe during a survey (e.g. due to an obstacle) you must stop the inspection and try to re-start a new survey from the opposite end. Both partial surveys must be assigned to the same section and finally need to be merged into a ONE complete survey. The following pages describe how this procedure is implemented in WinCan VX.

Enter your section and inspection data as usual and start damage recording. As soon as the camera is unable to continue for any reason you will have to stop the survey and enter the appropriate codes (e.g. survey abandonded (1)).

Push the button that represents the opposite survey (2) . WinCan VX then is going to copy all the inspection header data from the first survey into the new one and automatically inverts the inspection direction.

Next run the survey from the opposite section end until the camera is reaching the site where you had to stop the first survey part. Enter again the appropriate codes (e.g. survey abandoned (3)), which may be completed by a specific remark.

WinCanVX is showing now both survey parts in the list box below the section overview panel (4). Furthermore, a magnifier symbol is set in a separate column (4a) to label all the sections with more than one survey.

Now, create another survey hitting the command Tools > Combine abandoned inspections to merge the partial surveys:

The software then automatically recognizes all sections with partial surveys within the current project. Mark the sections via the corresponding check box (5).

Always mind that the option Auto-calculate new length is enabled (6) to have the totally inspected length calculated (6a).

You may also type values provided by maps into the field New length (6b): the software then calculates the difference between the section length and the inspected length and shows the uninspected area in the pipe graph as well as on the inspection report page.

The merged and abandoned surveys can now be selected directly from the list box (7) below the section overview panel:

At last you may delete both abandonded surveys listed in the inspection table below the input mask after you have merged them to a combined survey:

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