Installation of the Software

Installation of the Software


The WinCanVXSetup.exe installation package is located on the installation CD or can be downloaded directly from the Web page www.wincan.com (Support > Download):

Start your computer and mind that you log on either as a user with administrator privilegies or as Local Administrator.

Double-click the installation file shown above to run the installation.

If the system requirements are satisfied, the installation begins.

Follow all the instructions of the wizard and click on the Next or Agree button to confirm each step.

When WinCan VX is installed correctly, click Finish and start using WinCan VX.

The program installation is now complete.

All the files needed by WinCan VX are located in two directories on the PC:

  • C:\ProgramFiles (x86)\CDLAB

  • C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\CDLAB

Setting Regional Defaults

To ensure the regional and language defaults are set correctly for your PC, open the Windows Control Panel of your computer to set as required for your own region and country:


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