HANSEN; Data Import and Export
How has the HANSEN import and export been implemented in WinCan and which are the steps needed to make sure this type of data exchange runs as expected?
Make sure the following slots are activated on your WinCan license:
Im Hansen
Ex Hansen
In order to import or export data based on the HANSEN standard the user must make sure the project subfolder \Misc\Transfer contains a database file in the MDB format.
This file must be provided by the end customer (water authorities, engineer offices etc.)
Open the MDB-file with MS-Access and check whether the table … is available
Open the table and check, whether the fields … are available
Make sure the field names are written in uppercase letters
Open WinCan and select the menu command DataExchange > Import
Select the path of the MDB-file and run the import
Do the section surveys in WinCan
Select the menu command DataExchange > Export
Select the path of the same MDB-file and run the export
The MDB-file thus will be updated and can be sent back to the end customer
The HANSEN standard is very common in the United States as well as in Australia and New Zealand