Creating Master Project

Creating Master Project


  1. Login to Your Enterprise account https://web.wincan.com/enterprise


  1. Go to Settings → Master Project → Create New Project


  1. Enter Project Name, select Country, Language and Standard:

If You wish to select custom catalogs and templates click on Show template details


  1. Additional Settings

a. Select Automatic merge option if You wish to skip the review process and merge Work Order to the master project automatically.

b. Select Use (PASS) Phased Assessment Strategy for Sewers workflow option if You wish to use PASS workflow (Learn more about PASS here: https://blog.envirosight.com/phased-assessment-strategy-for-sewers-infographic)


  1. Choose Map Projection or use the default one (the same projection as the projection of section layer)

Read more about Map projections here: Choose the right projection


  1. Select Your Layers

6.1. From URL

a. Provide Sections Layer URL and Node Layer URL

b. Choose Your authentication type:

i. None - Layers are shared publicly and everyone can access it

ii. Named User - Access to layers is restricted to selected users only. The user will be asked to log into the hosting server in order to access the data.

iii. Long-Lived Token - Access to layers is restricted to selected users only. The user must provide a token from hosting server in order to access the data.

Set sharing permission to Your layers:



6.2. From File

a. Upload Your files

b. Select section and node layer


  1. Map the fields

Field mapping is covered in seperate instruction:


  1. Select all the fields that will be shown in the info window on the map.




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