File renaming tool (media files and PDF-report files)

File renaming tool (media files and PDF-report files)

This article describes how the file names for video clips, photos and PDF-reports can be customized for the current as well as for future WinCanVX projects using a predefined field combination.

File renaming for video clips (e.g. AssetID_Date_Time)

  • Go to Home>Settings>MediaRenaming

  • Select a predefined renaming pattern (e.g. Australia, Gold Coast City Council; Switzerland, CH Interlis (Number); UK, WRC, ThamesWater etc.)

  • If the result doesn’t satisfy the end customer, continue with the next steps.

  • Select the renaming pattern Custom instead:

  • Hit the gear wheel icon right to the text box linked to Sec/Lat video:

  • Browse for each field needed to build up the file name from the list box to right (1): OBJ_Key (for AssetID), INS_StartDate (for Date), INS_StartTime (for Time)

  • Double click on the highlighted field. This is going to copy the desired field to the text box at the left (2)

  • Grab the field FreeText and enter the character “_” (3)

  • Use the arrow buttons in case you need to change the field order (4)

  • Check the renaming pattern in the preview field (5)

  • If the renaming is not done completely re-open the media renaming dialogue and add the field Sequence at the end of the name to make sure the file names will be unique:

  • Confirm these settings

  • Run the command Tools>MiscTools>Project media files renaming>SectionAsset: this is going to apply the renaming pattern to the existing section videos:

  • Open the project sub-folder \Video\Sec and check the new file names

File renaming for PDF documents (e.g. AssetID_Date_Time)

  • Go to Printing>Printing Panel and hit the gear wheel icon left to the printing button (1):

  • Check the option Execute document renaming (2)

  • Either select the renaming preset Gold Coast City Council, Australia (3) or de-activate this preset and define your own renaming settings

  • Hit the button Edit preset (4)

  • Select the category Section insp. PDF and click on the gear wheel icon to the right (1):

  • Define the renaming pattern the same way you already did for the media file names.

  • Confirm the settings, save the pattern and activate the option Document per inspection to have the PDF files renamed and printed accordingly:


Always mind that the renamed files (media files or PDF files) must get a unique name! Please use the simulation first, so you are able to check the result before.

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