Other WinCan VX Functions

Other WinCan VX Functions

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Other WinCan VX Inclination Functions

There are some other additional inclination controls in WinCan VX available through the ribbon bars.

Below the ‘Inclination’ button in the ‘Extended Modules’ ribbon there are 2 options:


Inclination button in the Extended Modules ribbon.

  • Reprocess Data - clicking this does exactly the same thing as the ‘Reprocess’ button in the ‘Data’ tab of the inclination panel with the only difference being that it now it does it for the whole project in one go and not just the currently selected inclination test

  • Ignore Length - is a global option that allows the user to define a length of pipe at the end of the inclination test that is closest to the CCTV truck that is always ignored in all tests, so when we see problems as described previously where the graph has bad data points because of the cable tugging at the back of the crawler, we can tell it to ignore all points in maybe the 1 m length closest to the truck.

In the Data tab in the inclination panel, after we have clicked on ‘Reprocess', there is a button which becomes active which allows us to ‘Restore’ the data back to its pervious state. And so it seems that this option is not available in the ribbon bar, but it is. It can be found in the ‘Admin’ ribbon (only available to users logged in a Admin, here:


Additional options in the Admin ribbon.

Additionally, there is an Export to Excel option which exports the inclination data points to a spreadhseet saved in a file directory of your choice. The spreadsheet will contain a worktab for each inclination test and the tab name will have the section ID. In each tab there will be two columns of data for the distance and the inclination value, and the order of the data lines is the same as the order in which the points were collected, so if the test was forwards the distance values will increase and if it was backwards, they will decrease.

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