Inclination Graph Tab

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Inclination Graph Tab

The Inclination Graph tab allows us to edit the vertical and horizontal scales of the graph to any values that suit us. This is useful in situations where the engineer or the contract defines specified graphical extents, or in this case if we only want to show the graph for the part of the pipe that was actually tested:


Inclination Graph tab.

See now that there are no gaps at each end of the graph because we have manually redefined the horizontal axis to only run from 0.41 to 22.16 m instead of zero to 23 m, and the vertical scale is also set manually between -2.5 and -1.5 m.

When these options are not set, WinCan VX works out the optimum values for these axes scales so that the graph fits nicely inside the available space.

Further options for controlling the scaling of the printed outputs are available in the WinCan VX printing centre but these apply to all the charts in the project and allow the user to specify a scale such as 1 : 100 so that all the charts are delivered to the same visual references.